It actually beats the heck out of me! I'm guessing there is still a stigma with some humans about black cats and dark energy, witchcraft and the like. Superstitious crap is my guess. I love black cats, but they are hard to get adopted most places. I went out on a call to rescue this adorable little, maybe 5 week old solid black kitten that someone had dumped near the sales office of a new construction development. At the time I had a very sick fiv/felv kitty and I couldn't take the chance of fostering the little one. I had a heck of a time finding a rescue that would take this little angel in.

Debbie wrote:
out of curiosity - why would a cat have a strike against her for being black? 
I'm curious.

-----Original Message-----
Sent: Apr 13, 2007 4:24 PM
Subject: sweet kitty in sw Michigan needs help

Hi Nan,
I took the liberty of changing the subject line of your post to better indicate what it's about. What a little love this girl sounds like! Poor angel on her own with no front claws trying to get into the safety a human's car. It makes me want to go and scoop her up myself, (I won't even mention that to Bruce or my overcrowded household).

Who has the cat right now? Has anyone posted flyers at the campground in case she accidently became lost from her people? Someone might be heartbroken and looking for her as I type this. Are you checking local papers for lost ads? Has someone posted a found ad in the paper near where the campgrounds are? They should also file a found report with the local animal shelter and ask if anyone has reported her missing to the shelter.

She does have a strike against her because she's black, (I personally love black cats), but she has quite a rescue story and that might help to find her a home. The very best to you and this sweet baby, please let us know what happens to her. Hey... Wasn't there just someone very nice on this list that was thinking about adopting a neg cat??? Who was that? Wasn't it Marissa?? Marissa, did you end up adopting more cats yet?? Nina

Nan Gelman wrote:
hi all, It has been a while since I have posted to this site, but I need some help is there anyone in southwest Michigan who would like to adopt a very sweet all black female sprayed kitty cat. This kitty was found in a camp grounds trying to get in to anyone's car that she could. She is about a year old sprayed and front declawed. She tested negative for both FELV and FIV She is very sweet and gentle. Please let me know asap. Thanks so much Nan

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