I am certain that cats can taste sweets and that some cats actually have a 
sweet tooth.  I've had a few who had a definite preference for sugary things.  
The scientists who claim otherwise should live with more cats.

Gina WN <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:    My Tigger likes donuts.  He gets a small 
taste every now and again.  I was very surprised when he took a bite right out 
of the mini-donut I had in my hand!

Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  The 3 Orange Boyz will try anything! Muffins are a great favorite 
and since they are not supposed to like sweet things I assume it's 
the texture. And doughnut holes! Although, I have to say, I don't 
think those scientists know everything. Maybe some kitties DO enjoy 
sweet things! Also, my cat Jack used to gaze at himself in the 
mirror--it was just so neat! And one evening I was snacking on 
prunes and that's when I discovered that Billi Bi my tuxedo boy runs 
off with the plastic lid. He looks so funny going down the hall with 
that big yellow lid in his mouth! The first time he walked around 
with it he misjudged it's width and bumped into the doorframe!
Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On Apr 18, 2007, at 1:55 PM, Belinda wrote:

> That seems to be true for the most part because those I've had 
> since kittenhood have had a greater variety in their diet, 
> including human food and Joey being one will eat just about 
> anything, he is not picky at all. My others I got as strays with 
> unknown past histories, some will eat a variety and some will not, 
> they will eat one or two things and that is it!!
>> i was just fascinated by the part about cats, as a species, 
>> imprinting on "food" and "non-food" when very young..... makes so 
>> much sense in terms of those who will kill for human food while 
>> others couldn't care less, and how difficult it is to change their 
>> diets..... i'm hoping that one of the books will go into that 
>> aspect more fully......
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
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