First, thank you Nina and Wendy for your thoughts on the VO situation.

Ember had an appt. today, and we got some disappointing results. She's lost 7/10ths of a pound since her last visit in February. I think some of that can be attributed to my switching foods and some schedule changes. Hopefully, there isn't anything serious causing that particular issue. Unfortunately, her WBC is down again to 4.7 from 5.5 two months ago. Fortunately, she is not anemic this time. Her RBC is still hanging at the mid-normal point (I think it was 36.2 or 36.5).

I'm fairly certain that we'll be ordering the VO soon, since there is a symptom (low WBC). Does anyone happen to know a vet who has had lots of experience with VO and immune system issues, including FeLV? I'd like to set up a consult call with someone knowledgeable of the road we're preparing to take.


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