For anyone in a multi-cat household, I highly recomment my Ridgid 5 hp wet/dry 
shop  vac from Home Depot.  Cost me less than $70.  Sucks the fixtures off the 
wall if you're not careful.  The only issue that I have with it is storage 
space -- I need a four legged table with enough spread that I can put the 
vaccuum underneath and throw a tablecloth over the top.  
  This vaccuum is amazing.  No bags -- I dump the  canister and can bleach 
clean the inside of the canister.  It has cut my vaccuuming time to 1/3 what it 
used to be..  With an extension cord and just the hoses and attachments that 
came with it I can do almost my entire house without stopping.   The hose is 
extra thick and can suck up the contents of a litterbox, if you are so 
inclined.  The edger attachment is great for getting barf (and worse) off a 
rug.   Best $70 I ever spent.

Taylor Scobie Humphrey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I love the idea of a Roomba!  I've always wanted to attach a big feather to 
the top and watch the kitties THEN!  I have to clean out this house first so we 
can actually SEE the floor!  
    Taylor Scobie Humphrey

    On Apr 21, 2007, at 12:28 PM, elizabeth trent wrote:

    Tonya - this is was the info I needed.  I know most of you know how it is 
to live in a multi-cat household...and yes, I'm crazy...but I have (now) seven 
cats am frightfully allergic to them! LOL! 
  My story is that my quality of life would diminish so much if I was 
allergy-free but without cats that it simply wouldn't be worth it.  
Therefore...besides 180mg of Allegra plus popping benedryl like candy several 
times a day and any homeopathic that works...I use the vacuum cleaner so much 
that I never put it away  (for anyone else in my condition -- allergist says -- 
do not use ceiling fan over the bed -- stirs up the dander -- and wash 
everything in very hot water several times a week.  I put throws over the 
couches, etc so I can frequently wash and I brush the babies as often as I 
can).  They are precious dear babies and I wouldn't go a single day without any 
one of them! 
  The purple dyson has been an absolute god-send.  I can't recommend it is one of the most cleverly engineer pieces of equipment I have 
ever seen.  I have very long hair myself and so I used to burn out a motor at 
least once a year in spite of constantly cleaning the beater bar, changing 
bags, etc.  When I got the dyson...I used it right after I used the old 
vaccum...and just in my den section alone it removed over a quart of cat hair 
in one use.  Holy cat dander batman!!!  It's worth every penny and more! 
  That being said...I'm still considering a roomba for in-between....
  Thanks Tonya...this info doesn't discourage me in the slightest...just lets 
me know what's involved in the maintenance.  And everything with moving parts 
requires maintenance (or you won't be keeping it very long). 

  On 4/21/07, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:     Wendy,
  You need to dump the cup EVERY timed you use your roomba.  You also need to 
pull the filter part out of the cup and dump any cat hair stuck on the white 
paper filter. I bang them against the trash can a few times to get as much 
hair/litter out as possible.  Then I do a filter change and clean the brushes 
every week or two.  (I use mine basically every day.)  I wash the white paper 
filters with soap and a toothbrush, let them dry, and reuse them instead of 
buying new ones. 

wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  It's performed great, but as far as how much it holds,
I haven't opened it yet to clean it out. I need to 
remember to do that tonight. It's a small thing, but
bigger than I thought it would be-at least 1 ft. in
diamter. I will try to remember to let you know after
I take a look. Mine are shedding like crazy too! 


--- elizabeth trent wrote:

> I'm curious -- how much does it hold? I love my
> purple dyson for animal
> hair but so help me - we're such a shedding bunch I 
> have to empty it
> frequently. how does it perform?
> elizabeth
  > On 4/15/07, wendy wrote:
> >
> > Hey guys,
> >
> > Just wanted to let you guys know that Roombie (our
> new
> > Roomba Sage for pet owners) went on it's maiden 
> voyage
> > this morning. The kitties were somewhat alarmed
> at
> > first, but by the time it cleaned for 45 minutes
> and
> > docked itself, they weren't too concerned with it. 
> > Smookie ran over to it when it stopped and has
> been
> > trying to get the brushes out from underneath it.
> > It's too cute.
> >
> > So far, Roombie did a bang-up job of vacuuming my 
> tile
> > floors-the living room, kitchen, and eating area
> along
> > with the front entry way and hallway leading from
> > that. That's as far as it could go since all the
> > doors were shut along the hallway. I was very
> > surprised with how well it patterned itself while
> > cleaning. It got in and out of tight spaces. It
> even
> > tried to eat Smookie's feather toy, but I rescued 
> it.
> >
> >
> > We paid $219 for it at the irobot website, which
> is
> > the company that makes Roomba. A better deal than
> at
> > Linens and Things or Bed, Bath, and Beyond. They 
> > have a pretty decent special, which includes free
> > shipping, and a free home dock (normally $60);
> fairly
> > cheap for a Roomba. Normally, I am a very frugal
> > person, but I have bought three vacuum-cleaners in 
> the
> > past few years at about $50 each at Walmart, and
> all
> > have died. Plus, I don't actually have to do the
> > vacuuming myself, so that itself was worth the
> extra 
> > money. With the tile, as opposed to the carpet we
> had
> > that hid a lot of dirt, every speck of dirt shows
> up,
> > and I'm having to sweep every day as it is. So
> all in 
> > all, I'm happy as of day one. We'll see after a
> month
> > or so if Roombie was worth it.
> >
> > :)
> > Wendy
> >
> > "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful 
> committed citizens can
> > change the world: Indeed it is the only thing that
> ever has!"
> >
> > ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~
> >
> >
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