Oh Anne, it's so hard to say goodbye. I do really believe that these guys are special to Heaven... When my Grace was dying I was in touch with animal communicators. I was so desperate to keep her with me, like you I would have done anything to change the outcome. I miss her so much and think of her often. When she was leaving me, an ac told me that she had work to do on the other side. That she was anxious to be on her way. Hearing that hurt me a little and at the same time made me proud. Proud that my special little Angel was needed not just by me, but by Heaven itself. Do you remember how we used to remark about how our little loves were special? They all seemed a little bit more loving, a little more connected to us than the cat next door cared to be. I used to wonder if it was because we were forewarned that their time with us might be short. That it might be because we paid them more attention then most fur parents, that because of that they responded in same, paying more attention to us. Something along the lines of the nature vs. nurture, (are they born special or does the environment we provide make them so?). Through the years of close association with all of our babies, I no longer have any doubt. They are born that way. Born to make a difference in our lives and all the lives they touch. So special that their work continues on the other side and fight as we might, we have no choice but to surrender to their "higher" mission. God has a plan for our Angels, I truly believe that. Perhaps part of Simms and my Angel Grace's "work" is to guide other "special needs" animals to their new guardian's homes and hearts. How can we know what Heaven has in store for them? All I know is that I feel blessed to have been one of the chosen to learn from them and share their light and love. Simms and Grace are holding a place in Heaven for us Anne, we will see them again.

Much love my dear, my tears are with you,

anne wrote:
Thank you so much, Chris, Kerry, Terrie, Sherry and Nina. Your messages meant so much to me in this sad time. I wrote a few notes to you all below, too. I wish I had had more energy to do this with all of you other very kind cat-loving people who wrote. With love to you all,
Anne and Felv+ angels Simms, Jimi Too Cool, Buggs and Nala
and the other living sweet guys with me (Sophie, too, who is doing well and can be sassy now!) Chris, I didn't know about your history about Simms and Tamara! I love knowing this. I am so thankful I wrote back to Tamara about Simms. One look at his picture and I was a goner. I liked what you said so much about reserving a corner of our hearts for Simms. It reminds me of a favorite piece of mine:
 written by Dr Harry Cooper:
"Every pet owner has a heart like those old Chinese medicine chests.
 They have two hinged doors and up to 50 drawers inside. each drawer is
 for a pet. While the pet is alive the drawer remains open. When the pet
 passes the drawer is closed. But, and this is the important thing,
 another drawer must be opened! You can go back to the closed drawers any
 time you like. They are not locked. Open them. Enjoy them. They are full
 of things no one can take away - wonderful memories."
Kerry, I always am so happy to see you are still on the list, although I am not able to get on much anymore. Terrie, I admire your hard work so much and you have been doing it for so long. And taking in seniors, bless you, Terrie. Sherry, I am northeast of Flint in a tiny little farming town called Otisville. We are pretty far apart, eh? Nina, your message touched me so much. I know you guys are there with me as I am with you even if we don't have time to drop a line. That is what I have always loved about this list. I especially loved this line, Nina: :* } Souls so unique and special that Heaven can't seem to be
without them.

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