At 07:12 PM 4/30/2007, you wrote:

Thank you for the wonderful news....We are with you both

Just a small update on Tomi.

I didn't take time off work today, because strangely enough, Tomi is alot better today.

He's using the litter box again, and getting around much better. He has quite a large appetite today after eating very little the last week or so.

Tomi even looks much more alert and responsive, watching me with big eyes. The last few days, he was just staring into empty space with half-lidded eyes.

Considering I was positive i'd be burying my little boy this weekend, this is quite a welcome change.

I'm really scared to get my hopes up, that this could just be the calm before the storm, but its so hard not to hope.


----- Original Message ----- From: "C & J" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 8:38 PM
Subject: Re: Tomi

Thank you.  I think this weekend has been the hardest of my life.

Oddly enough, Tomi was a little better today. I didn't expect him to make it through the night last night, but today, he actually walked out of the bedroom on his own.

I don't believe he's actually better, though. He still isn't able to go to the bathroom on his own, and is so weak. He is drinking alot of water too. I don't really know if that is good or bad.

I guess I will see what tomorrow brings. Sadly I have to go to work, but i'll likely take the afternoon off, or call in sick, depending how he is in the morning.


----- Original Message ----- From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <>
Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 1:04 PM
Subject: Tomi

Hi Cassandra,

I am so sorry that Tomi is so ill.  It does sound like
his quality of life is declining quickly.  It's a
heartbreaking and confusing roller coaster to see our
beloved furbabies enjoying life one day and the next,
obviously in pain or stressed.  If Tomi is going to
pass, I hope that he does it quickly and peacefully.
Bless you for taking such wonderful care of him.

Take care,

--- C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thank you all for your kind thoughts and suggestions
for Tomi.

He had a pretty good day yesterday, he was watching
the birds outside the window for awhile and purring
as I petted him.  He was even interested in eating
some food.

Today was not such a good day.  He seemed ok first
thing this morning, but when I gave him a bit of
food, he promptly vomited up.  He was then a little
out of breath from vomiting, and cried a bit because
I believe he was scared as he was trying to catch
his breath.  He also peed himself for the first time
ever :(

After that, he had no energy to move all day.  He
basically stayed in my bedroom the whole day,  lying
under the sink.  I gave him some towels to lie on,
and he peed again tonight on those, too weak to get

My vet clinic doesn't do house calls, so if I need
to euthanize him, i'll have to call around and see
if anyone will do a house call.  I don't think he
can handle a car ride at all now.

Even the thought of putting him to sleep has me in
tears every time, but I think he's at the point now
that he is getting no pleasure out of life.  I think
he is waiting to die :(

  ----- Original Message -----   From: C & J
  Sent: Wednesday, April 25, 2007 4:18 PM
  Subject: I believe I am going to lose Tomi soon

  I've been hoping and praying that Tomi would
somehow pull through this, and last week he did seem
to be doing better on the 2 prednisone per day.

  But now, the last few days, he's been going
downhill fast.

  Today, he is out of breath just walking a few
feet, and breathing fast.  I'm still able to coax
him to eat a bit of baby food, but he just threw up
the last bit of food I gave him.  He never throws up

  I guess I have to finally accept the fact that
he's not going to get better.

  I've been thinking about the whole euthanizing
thing, but I honestly don't know how I could do that
to him.  To spend the last hours of his life doing
to him what he hates the most (car ride and vet
visit), seems too hard for me to handle.  I don't
think i'm strong enough to make that decision.  To
me it feels like I would be personally ending his

  I don't want him to suffer either, and i'm not
sure at all how much longer he will last when he is
having difficulty getting enough oxygen circulated
due to anemia.

  I still can't believe all this has happened.  Two
months ago I was positive he would one day become a
chunky, lazy old tom cat, lounging in the sun.  I
would never have dreamed I would lose him after only
2 and a half years.

  Over the last 7 weeks, i've become even closer to
him than ever as I've been trying to nurse him back
to health.    He's always been so loving and
tolerant of my hugs and kisses.  Life is going to
feel so empty when he is gone.



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