It truly is a miracle come true for these kitties and their family to be reunited. A miracle spurred on by some incredible people, I believe all the good thoughts, Glow and prayers had a part in it too. I'm not sure how long Cyndi, (the family friend up north that started the rescue effort in motion) will continue to keep the webpage updated, (, but if you go take a look, she has posted a picture of the twin boys that were involved in the accident. If you recall, one of the babies was injured, (he's doing well considering, but only time will tell the extent of the head trauma damage), the mother had an eye injury that required surgery and was expected to lose the sight in that eye, but now she has regained some vision and it is hoped that it will continue to improve.

Barbara, one of the volunteers arrived late last night at Cyndi's house with all three kitties. It's so wonderful to think that all three kitties are now safe and sound and even were able to transported home together. The dog involved in the accident remains with the family at the grandparent's house, (he was uninjured in the crash, as was the dad and other brother).

Big ol' sigh of relief,

Gina WN wrote:
Absolutely fantastic news!!!

*/Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>/* wrote:

    I'm so thrilled to report that Sammi is safe, reunited with Geri, Little Guy 
and her family!  Below is an edited version of the report on what happened last 
night.  HURRAY!!  Nina    > OH MY GOSH - we got Sammi tonight!  I am sorry if I 
have a bunch of typos  here but I am pretty much operating on being up since 3:00 
am last night.    Sammi's human parents decided to come out tonight to look for 
Sammi.    Traps had been set this afternoon where it was obviously she had been 
hiding out.  I was going to go back later and set the rest of the traps.  I was 
supposed to meet the fur parents in a parking lot near the site.  I pulled in 
first and was actually on the phone when I
     looked to my left and saw Sammi!  I told them  - "I have to go now - I see Sammi".  
I called the parents and said "Where are you?"  They had just turned down the street and 
flashed their high beams at me.  They got out and I told them Sammi had gone up behind the dumpster 
where she had eaten the food the night before.  This was about 7:45 this evening by the way.  So 
they walked over and started calling her.  When Sammi heard their voices, she started meowing.  
This was the first we had heard anything out of Sammi.  Within 10 minutes, dad had Sammi in his 
arms.  They had brought a carrier and I set it on the ground with the door open and then backed off 
so I would not spook Sammi.  I thought he had her secure  ly scruffed but just as he was about to 
put her in the carrier, she flipped around and took off again and went into her hiding place. It 
took another hour and much coaxing and some food in a small plate that they could shake and finally 
we got her again.  This time
we put the carrier in my car and he went in my car and we closed the doors until he had her secure. So Sammi is going to spend the night with Geri and Little Guy and tomorrow will be on her way up north with a volunteer to settle in back home. The parents are so grateful for all of the help that everyone has offered. I cannot believe we got all 3 cats back! It is truly amazing! I guess it takes a village to catch a cat! WOW - I am exhausted but still on such a high from getting this cat. THANK YOU,THANK YOU, THANK YOU everyone for support, comments, encouragement - even though you may not have been here on the front lines. We have made a family very happy. I got to meet the baby tonight. He is adorable and doing as well as can be expected. They may not get around to thanking everyone personally but please know that they are extremely grateful for all of the kind words, efforts and they are truly amazed that all of these strangers came out to help them. Good night!>

** *Visit my **Tigger Tales* <>* site!*

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