I couldn't agree more. They are the pharmaceutical industry's ally. It comes down to that.


elizabeth trent wrote:
I'm really having a problem with the FDA. I don't think they have been fast enough or honest enough. They really have not impressed me as being my ally or my pet's ally. elizabeth

On 5/4/07, *MaryChristine* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    you're right--they will try to find some way to make money from
    it. that's why we're in this mess to START with..... sigh.

    On 5/4/07, *Debi Holmes *<[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

        I find it very hard to believe that they are going to keep
        this food that is making them no money in warehouses!!!  Are
        they going to keep it there to kill the mice and rats??

        */Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>/*

            One not so great thing about my phone call to Pet Food
            Direct... The
            woman I talked to suggested I donate the food to a shelter
            or rescue.
            Of course I told her that that wasn't a good idea. I
            certainly wouldn't
            want some orphan cat or pup eating something that I
            wouldn't feed my own
            kids. I have wondered too where all the recalled food is
            (besides the possibility of it being sold as "salvage"
            food for poultry
            and stockyards). Even if it is dumped, what about the
            birds and
            wildlife that would find it? When I was watching the
            committee hearings
            that you and Belinda alerted us to, the question was asked
            and we were
            told that it was being warehoused. I find little comfort
            in the
            assurances of big business, but I wish someone had thought
            to ask "and
            what happens to it when you are ready to clear those

            MaryChristine wrote:
            > has anyone heard anything about a SAFE way to dispose of
            the bad food?
            > so it doesn't end up being fed to, say, cattle and pigs
            and other food
            > animals?
            > On 5/4/07, * Nina* > > wrote:
            > Wow, I'm shocked at the service at Pet Food Direct. I
            called them
            > asking about returning the unused portion of Triumph food
            I purchased
            > from them and they told me to write to them including the
            UPS code
            > from
            > each of the varieties I feel uncomfortable about using
            and they would
            > refund my account. I don't even have to send back the unused
            > portion of
            > my order. Thought I'd let you know in case the companies
            you are
            > dealing with are as accommodating. It truly never hurts
            to ask. I
            > guess I won't be choking down cat food and crackers after
            > Nina

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