and the real thing that people keep forgetting is that there are no
guarantees for the kitties who DON'T have FeLV! your $2,500 showcat can fall
over permanently from HCM, anyone can throw a blood clot, etc. same with
people--if we stop loving other living things because they're gonna get sick
and die, well, think about it....


On 5/9/07, Sheryl Spagg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Thanks Nina.  I actually called my vet and talked to
my favorite vet tech and not once did she mention PTS.
She explained to me about the disease and told me
about a kitten she had that was positive and she had
to find a home for but other than that there was NO
talk of PTS.  Any vet that tells people that has
certainly not done their research...I am not a vet by
any means, but there is no way I would put a
cat/kittens to sleep because they have a 30% chance of
getting sick...that is unreasonable in my eyes...I
already have 4 cats of my own and of them 3 have
issues (Diabetes & Seizures) so you never know if a
cat is going to get sick or not...or a dog for that is life and you deal with
certainly don't give up!

--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Hurray!  Thank you for reminding me once again how
> the rewards of being
> a member of this list outweigh all the heartache we
> endure.  It's filled
> with people just like the two of you.  People that
> put their intuition
> and heart before the advice of others that don't
> know any better, or
> have found themselves in circumstances that they
> feel force them to make
> such drastic and final choices.  One loving guardian
> at a time, one
> educated vet at a time, we are making a difference
> in our world.
> Much love, happiness and health to you and your
> households,
> Nina
> Sheryl Spagg wrote:
> > Hi Deana,
> > Like you, I am new to this as well.  My friend and
> I
> > rescued a momma kitty with 6 kittens and a 6 month
> old
> > boy.  The boy turned up negative but the momma
> turned
> > up positive.  We were told by other rescuers to
> have
> > all of them PTS, but my friend and I just couldn't
> do
> > it.  We didn't feel like we knew enough about this
> > disease to take happy healthy kittens and have
> them
> > PTS.  I am so glad I didn't do it because now that
> I
> > know more there is a huge chance these kittens can
> > have great lives...their momma has no symptoms at
> all
> > so who knows if for one the test was right or if
> the
> > babies will even get it.  We have actually already
> > found homes for the boy and one of the babies in
> the
> > same home and the family has decided to give the
> FeLV
> > vaccine to their negative kitties...these cats can
> and
> > will have a better chance at life because we chose
> not
> > to PTS...keep up the good work with the
> > is so worth it.
> > Sheryl
> >
> >
> > --- "Deana K. Wagoner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > wrote:
> >
> >
> >> I am new to the list and need some advice.  We
> have
> >> a number of ferals in our neighborhood and there
> has
> >> been an effort to trap/spay-neuter as many as
> >> possible.  I have been successful in turning two
> of
> >> them into great house cats.   One was negative
> and
> >> vaccinated at 6 months of age.  She is about 12
> >> months now. The other kitty is several years old
> and
> >> was spayed, but as far as I know she
> wasnâEUR^(TM)t
> >> tested.  She lived on my patio for a year then
> >> decided to be a house cat. I havenâEUR^(TM)t had
> her
> >> tested yet, but she is very healthy.  I suspect
> she
> >> is a cat that ran off/got lost or was dumped.
> She
> >> is a Rag Doll and really doesnâEUR^(TM)t act like
> a true
> >> feral.
> >> Another feral in the neighborhood had a little
> late
> >> last summer.  Before I could capture these guys,
> one
> >> of the females got pregnant and delivered the
> litter
> >> of kittens on my patio.  When the kittens were a
> day
> >> old, a neighborâEUR^(TM)s dog attacked the stray
> mother
> >> and got one of the kittens.  The mother cat went
> up
> >> a tree, then took off.  I tried to follow her,
> with
> >> no luck.  I watched the kittens for about four
> >> hours, and she never returned.  We got some kmr
> and
> >> feed the 4 remaining kittens, continuing to watch
> >> for her to return.  She returned in the middle of
> >> the night on Sunday night in a rain storm,
> obviously
> >> in bad shape.   I just happened to look out when
> I
> >> was up in the middle of the night bottle feeding
> the
> >> kittens.  I took her to the vet as soon they
> opened
> >> yesterday morning, but she died from the
> injuries.
> >> The vet suggested testing her for FeLV.  (with
> the
> >> comment that if the cat was positive, you
> wouldnâEUR^(TM)t
> >> want to treat her any way.)  The vet reported
> there
> >> was a negative test, then a second test was
> >> positive.  The vet then suggested that all of the
> >> kittens be PTS immediately with the chance that
> they
> >> were positive.
> >>
> >> I havenâEUR^(TM)t had cats much for the last 20
> years,
> >> although I grew up with cats- all before FeLV was
> >> identified âEUR" so I am not familiar with it.
> Based
> >> on what I am reading, there are LOTS of questions
> >> about test results/vaccinating/etc.
> >>
> >> We are bottle feeding the kittens and they are
> >> growing like crazy, crawling all over the place
> and
> >> donâEUR^(TM)t appear at all sick.  They were only
> with
> >> their mother just under 24 hours.   (born last
> >> Thursday.)
> >> Is this common to just give up on the babies
> without
> >> knowing if they are positive or not? I would
> >> appreciate any advice.
> >>
> >> Thanks
> >> Deana
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
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Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


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