halleluia, sister!

(yeah, i'll go to bed now.)


 Every "what if" I have experienced in the past brought me to a new
awareness in the present, even though the lessons were hard, I learned from
them. "What if" I had just taken that extra few minutes to check on Kiki
that night, rather than going to bed because I was too tired to feed him?
Would I have been able to take him to the vet in time to save him? That was
a hard lesson, when I found him dead the next morning with injuries. BUT,
now, when I think something might be wrong, I take action on it IMMEDIATELY,
I never wait to take care of things I could put off until tomorrow, because
I learned that sometimes tomorrow doesn't come. "What if" I had just not let
him go outside? Would he have not been hit by that car? Of course not. BUT,
now I keep my cats indoors only, unless they are on a leash. I learned from
that "what if" as well. What if I had only KNOWN that a broken back wasn't a
death sentence? Would I still have my sweet Do-Dah here today, happy in a
cat cart? I miss him, but now I know that it's not a death sentence, and
I've used the lesson I learned from his life to help countless injured pets
since by telling THEIR owners "don't listen to your vet, there ARE options!"
I have Bones to show for it too, I think it was a test, that I was to be
sent not one, but TWO cats with broken backs. The first one, I got it wrong,
but the second one... well, she couldn't be any happier than she is today! I
swear to you all, I am SURE that I have been sent these "second chances"
just to redeem myself and forgive my past mistakes! I could list a long list
of all the "what if's" I've experienced in my years with cats, all my
regrets, and all of my losses, but the fact remains the same, no matter HOW
HARD that lesson came, and no matter how many times I relive it, and no
matter how many tears I shed, I know that I LEARNED, and THAT means that
none of their lives were in vain.


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