Hi Cassandra,
It isn't unusual for a cat with Fatty Liver disease to vomit after some meals, of course it isn't what we want and sometimes smaller, more frequent meals will keep that from happening. But I can tell you absolutely the ONLY thing that fixes fatty liver is food, and enough food. Without that the outcome is death period, not saying that to be mean or scare anyone, it's a fact plain and simple. Some cats will actually get worse before they get better. One girl on the Assist feeding list I used to belong to had a cat that was diagnosed with HL (hepatic lipidosis, otherwise known as Fatty Liver disease), she was assist feeding and came home for lunch to feed him and he had gone from his skin being slightly yellow to bright yellow. It was touch and go for days but he eventually started improving, he was so sick he couldn't hardly move for days, maybe even weeks, it's been a while since I was on the list. But I do know it took a month or more before he was feeling pretty decent and he is alive and well today 6 or so years later with no ill effects. Her vet was pretty sure he wasn't going to make it, but he did.

SHe was feeding him every hour or two to make sure she got enough food into him once he was feeling better she could do bigger meals with more time in between.

Buddie also hated the syringe feedings, I had to wrap her in a towel and after a week I decided a feeding tube would be less stressful and she loved getting fed through her feeding tube. She would run to the couch and wait for me when she heard me getting her syringes ready. She laid with all fours under her and purred when I fed her, then she would flop over and take a nap when we were done. She wasn't very happy when I was weaning her off it.

She was suppose to get 4 IV chemo treatments along with prednisolone and then after the IV chemo, leukeran (chemo pill given at home) and prednisolone until she passed which could be as little as 6 months or as long as years.

I did 3 of the 4 IV chmos and then stopped them, she wasn't eating and I freaked out (I would not stop it if I had it to do over again), we continued the prednisolone and she lived a total of 1 year and 1 month after diagnosis. I really believe if I hadn't of freaked out because of her not eating and continued the chemo she would still be alive today (she passed in July of 2004).

If I ever have another cat with cancer I will get a feeding tube to help with eating and continue the chemo, I know so many cats that have gone into remission with chemo treatment, some have no side effects, some don't eat well for the first few treatments until the chemo is kicking some cancer butt and then they are like they always were, I can't tell you how many cat parents say that after a few weeks of chemo!! Some cats on the lymphoma list I'm on are 3, 4, 5 and even more years into remission and still going strong. Sambe a FeLV+ has been in remission about 3 years he got cancer around the same time as Buddie a few months later I believe.

happiness is being owned by cats ...


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