You Win


On 5/22/07, Pam Norman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My Sunset had a great way of letting me know she was displeased when I
was gone one time. She peed in the toaster oven & I had no idea until I
put in an English muffin. Godawful smell!  That toaster oven was history
& the one that replaced it always had its door shut when not in use.
Didn't stop her from peeing on top tho, but I was wise to her by then.

The take the cake story tho is a kitty named Fluffy (yes, really!) who
belonged to friends of mine who adored her (had to!). She had a thinig
about pooping in odd places & she was deadly accurate in getting her
leavings exactly where she wanted them to be. Her piece de resistance
was the well of the windshield wipers on their car!  Totally
undiscovered until they backed out of the garage into a rainstorm.
Turned on the wipers & oh m'god instant liquid poop smeared all over the

You can't beat that!


Sally Davis wrote:
> My Spike was banned from the old trailer for a couple years after
> peeing on the stove top. Yeah that bakes the smell as well. It was
> horrible. Not that I cooked that much. I finally had to build a new
> house on the same land due to hurricane Isabel. The cats all lived
> outside while we stayed in a motel. She was still not allowed in the
> house. She has since redeemed herself and stays in my room, But if she
> ever pulls a stunt like that she will be outside kitty again.  The
> heat vent is another spot she hit in the trailer.
> I am not sure how you can get rid of the odor though.
> Sally
> On 5/21/07, *Nina* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>     Remember the thread where everyone was trying to figure out where
>     urine odor was coming from?  (Kelley, I'm sure you do).  Well,
>     someone
>     has contaminated my dryer.  I'm not sure how they did it.  I'm
>     assuming
>     they backed up, aimed and fired into the crevices around the
>     opening of
>     the door, but I guess it could be in the air filter.  All I know
>     is that
>     I've scrubbed and sprayed and scrubbed some more.  Every time I
>     it's safe to dry a load of clothes they come out of the dryer
>     not springtime fresh, but of fresh kitty.  Whoever marked the
>     dryer must
>     be thrilled, everything smells of their scent now.  Any
>     suggestions?  Do
>     I have to get a new dryer and house it behind chain link?
>     Nina

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