Pam, what a great story!

An animal communicator told me that Mamie and I were sisters somewhere along there. I sing to my kitties, too. Mamie's song was "Mamie Muffin." The 3 Orange Boyz have a song called "Boogers Everywhere" because as orange cats with pink noses and ears you can really spot the sleep in their eyes and the little tiny boogers in their noses. And I sing "This Little Piggy" to Teddy Pooma Monkeytail. I turn them upside down in my arms and they lie there like the little babies they are and listen, listen, listen.

I've always felt that one of the joys of cats is that you can always talk babytalk to them!

"Conscience is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On May 28, 2007, at 10:44 PM, Pam Norman wrote:

You can find more about hemobart on the feline anemia list. A number of people over there have dealt with it. I just know that doxycycline saved Gus's life after he spent a week in the ICU at the U of WI vet hospital in Madison. It was pretty awful because his brother had died there only a month before of a total metabolic breakdown caused initially by acute pancreatitis. I was so afraid I was going to lose Gus too. I went in every day to see him - I'm about an hour away. I'd hold him & talk to h im & sing to him ("You Are My Sunshine" over & over & over again). I always wore blue because it's the color of healing, the same sweater every day! He's still with me. Still my "boyfriend" kitty (an animal communicator said he wanted to be my boyfriend!).


wendy wrote:
Hey Cassandra,

I was reading up on hemobartanellosis right now, and
it says that it can cause jaundice, which is related
to the liver, I believe.  Maybe that's what's causing
the liver issues?!  I sure hope so.  Thank goodness
they found the hemobart, because it is VERY hard to
diagnose.  Half the time, they can't see the little
buggers on the slide under a microscope.  If she pulls
through this, we need to make a note for later in case
we see this again.
Praying that her liver issues are related to the


"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

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