Yes there is a chance that all is due to anemia caused by the hemobart. BUT that being said, it is absolutely critical that she get the equivalent in calories per day that are in a can of MaxCal ideally (get it from a vet) or A/D (also from a vet). MaxCal has significantly more calories than A/D but A/D will do. It's very easy to feed & dilutes beautifully with water to be sryingeable. For me when a cat needs assist feeding, I used my finger or a little baby spoon. They don't m ind those as much as the syringe.


Belinda wrote:

I'm glad Kisa is at the vets and I'm praying as hard as I can that she will have the strength needed to recover. Have you got copies of her blood work? I'd be interested in seeing them. Anemia can cause many of the symptoms she has had, lethargy, not wanting to eating and an enlarged liver, just to name three off the top of my head.

Your love will get her though, think only positive and talk to her with your heart, she can hear you even when your not there with her.

*PS. * She may not have had fatty liver initially but not eating for just two days can bring it on for some cats. Not saying she did get it after not eating for 2 days but it is possible and I have seen it happen many times. Too many vets are not up to day with the latest on Fatty Liver and still mistakenly think only fat cats or not eating for long periods is the only way to get it and many cats die as a result. Fatty Liver enlarges the liver too, it isn't just cancer that does that. This is not only an overweight kitty problem as I said already, almost ALL of the cats I know that have had this were/are not overweight, including my Buddie, that is old out-dated info.

The vet says it likely isn't fatty liver, since she wasn't overweight, and didn't stop eating til she got sick, but I guess he can't know for sure without the biopsy.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


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