Oh, great. MORE people who don't speak English. (Sorry, but I know what that might mean--people from a culture that doesn't respect all life.)

"Consciousness is Causal
 and Physicality is its

On May 29, 2007, at 1:33 PM, Stray Cat Alliance wrote:

Thank you all for your wonderful suggestions! I did get my husband to write down what the neighbor said to him yesterday -- but it is a good idea to write down everything and dates. I will do my best to muster up niceness when I want to scream and talk to the neighbor. The wife doesn't speak very good English so I don't think she'd be a good option.

I really can't trap everybody and relocate...and an enclosure wouldn't work where I live now so I am hoping and praying for a positive resolution for all.

Thank you again, will keep you posted.


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