I'd just like to add to this to try and feel be stressed, frustrated or think negatively, I know that seems almost impossible when things just seem to keep not working but cats are very sensitive to our feelings and your stress and fear is being picked up by her. With every fiber of your being think positive and actually see and picture things going right in your minds eye, it will make a difference, I promise ... positive, positive, positive energy, I can't stress that enough.

Not sure what your vet told you about the metacloprimide but it should be given 3 times a day about a half hour before the meal it is preceding (Kisa should get more meals than that but give the metacloprimide a half hour to the meal it is closest to). There are exceptions to that, Bailey needed to get his metachloprimide an hour before or he was still a bit nauseous when I fed him. Buddie, Bailey and Fred got 1cc three times a day, it helps to get the digestive juices flowing since they aren't producing saliva because they aren't eating by way of the mouth, saliva starts the digestive process.

Talk to her and see what she wants............explain that you are not doing this to harm her or be mean to her but to help her stay with you where she is loved. She needs to understand what is going on. They pick up on so much but sometimes, like people, misunderstand or take it the wrong way. Talk to her.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


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