
The difficulty breathing comes from lack of oxygen in
the blood, a product of the anemia.  Kisa is not
getting enough oxygen because of the reduction in
blood cells.  

I am so sorry for little Kisa.  She is in bad shape. 
If the anemia cannot be brought under control, she
will die.  It may already be too late to reverse it. 
A blood transfusion may help.  My Cricket died due to
lack of oxygen at home with me, and it was what I
would consider a violent death.  The breathing will
get much faster and it's terrible to watch.  By the
time Cricket died, I was hysterical and begging for
God to take him.  The memories of that night will
always haunt me.  It happened fairly quickly and in
the middle of the night, although I had just had a
feeding tube inserted through his neck that evening. 
He was just too weak by that point.  His original
diagnosis was anemia.  He was gone in three weeks.  I
would hate for you and Kisa to have to go through
this.  You might consider taking her in as soon as
possible and see what your vet says.  Please keep us
posted.  Prayers going out for you two.


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