200 ml IS too much for her. Stay with 100 but be sure the prior "watering" is absorbed.

Also she should still be on doxy. That is absolutely CRITICAL! For hemobart, she needs to be on it for a good 6 weeks. If she is not, then her HCT will keep dropping & she will be in emergency need of a transfusion.


C & J wrote:
My guess, is her rapid breathing is caused by anemia. She is very pale, her feet and gums are much paler than normal. I am wondering if the hemobart is possibly causing her immune system to attack its own red blood cells, and the Dex is slowling that down. It could be lymphoma too though, its hard to say.

Basically the vets aren't very helpful for me anymore. The one vet I was dealing with that was actually being helpful is gone for a few weeks now, and all the other vets want to do is put her to sleep. I hate even consulting them, because they just try to talk me into putting her to sleep.

When I got the IV bag, the vet I talked to said to give her like 200ml per day. I think that's way too much right now...when it took her like 12 hours to absorb 100ml.


----- Original Message ----- From: "wendy" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: <felvtalk@felineleukemia.org>
Sent: Saturday, June 02, 2007 11:09 AM
Subject: Re: Update on Kisa

Hey Cassandra,

Wow, I am surprised and so happy that Kisa is
rallying!  I hope she can pull through.  The dex can
make a difference.  I think the combo shot I mentioned
early on shrinks lymphoma, according to Michelle, the
girl who used to be here who knows a lot about it.  If
that's the case, and she does have lymphoma, it might
explain the easier breathing.  Maybe something is
growing quickly and pressing on her lungs or throat.

My cat with CRF gets 200 CC a week of subQ fluids, but
she is not in grave danger as Kisa is.  She walks
around with a little sac of fluid hanging off her
little bony body for a few hours before it absorbs.
She feels so much better after it's done.  How much
did the vet say you should give Kisa?  I would ask
them so that you don't overdo it.

Keeping my fingers crossed for you guys.


--- C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

A small update on Kisa.

I didn't think she would make it through the night,
and at one point I checked on her and thought she
was gone, because I didn't see the heavy breathing.

She did make it through the night, and I was
seriously considering taking her in to the vet for
euthanasia.  I asked her if I should, and was very
upset I wasn't strong enough to make that decision.

Well, now she actually looks a little bit better.
She's very weak, but she seems more alert and her
breathing, while still fast, isn't quite as labored
and she's not breathing through her mouth.  It could
be the dexamethasone making some sort of difference.

And then the strangest thing of all happened, she
ate about 1 and a half tablespoons of pureed liver,
by licking it off the back of a spoon.  This is the
first time in two weeks since this started, that she
didn't gag at the very sight/smell of food.  I
couldn't believe she actually ate.  She must not be
feeling as nauseous, and so far she hasn't vomited

I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but this is the
first positive thing that has happened for her in
two weeks.  I guess we'll just have to wait and see
how she does over the next couple of days.  If she's
trying to get better, she has an awful lot to
overcome yet in order to do so.

I've got a full IV bag of sub-q fluids to keep her
hydrated at least.  Just a question on that, how
much fluid should she get in a day?  I gave her
about 100ml, six hours ago, and it still hasn't all
soaked in from under the skin at the back of her


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