Ok this is good to know. Now we know who to ask with our flower question. Wish you could see my place. I planted a bunch of things from Breck's but was dumb enough not to label them. Now they're coming up & I have no clue as to what they are!


Sally Davis wrote:
Hi Pam,
I am in VA. Daylilies are not in the LILY family. They are not toxic to cats in spite of what the ASPCA has on there website. It is based on an assumption that they are *lilies. *My front yard is entirely daylilies, no grass. Funny thing is my cats get very few fleas now. When they do I use Advantage. Fleas live in grassy yards. I am a horticulturist by trade and education. So I give that as my qualification regarding daylily (hemerocallis) classification. We are getting remnants of TS Barry. Thanks for your concern. Sally

On 6/3/07, *Pam Norman* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:

    Sally, where are you?  It's been raining here too & hasn't for
    awhile. I
    know, too much coincidence for you to be here too but you never know.
    I'm in south central WI.

    And remember day lilies are very toxic to cats.


    Sally Davis wrote:
    > Nina
    > Thanks for the inspiring story. My old computer had major problems
    > least which which was the sound did not work in spite of a sound
    > and speakers. I am trying to transfer my old files and setting
    to this
    > computer but the room is still to hot for the old one to run. So I
    > have windows opened three fans running to bring the cool air from
    > outside inside. It is raining and much needed rain for my flowers.
    > Next to my precious cats I collect daylilies, Japanese Maples, and
    > other plants.
    > Well I really don't collect cats. I just love them. I have had a cat
    > since I was a child and I remember all of them. At least  when my
    > middle age memory allows me to...lol
    > Sally
    > On 6/3/07, *Nina* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
    <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>>
    > wrote:
    >     Here's a video that had me in happy tears, something I know we
    >     could all
    >     use:
> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5249518974978628334&pr=goog-sl
> <http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5249518974978628334&pr=goog-sl
> <http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=5249518974978628334&pr=goog-sl
    >     <

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