Tad and Marie,

Jet was so blessed to have her loved ones close as she passed. What
wonderful people you are.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Tad Burnett
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 10:52 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: CLS for Jet

  My sweet black cat Jet just passed away just a few minutes ago.... 
June 12, 2007
She is the 5th of the 6 FeLV+ cats from Angel Wings... She has been here 
with me
for 2 years.. She is probably about 5 years old... She has been healthy 
all the time
she was here and enjoyed her life here with Marie and myself and all the 
other cats...
She has been especially close to my feral cat who was just starting to 
tame when jet
came here... Jet most often slept curled up next to me and that's where 
she was tonight
when I felt those now all to familiar little muscle contractions that 
signals when life has
left the body on this earth...
I knew her time was coming about a month ago when she started acting 
like an older
cat and slowed down sum but even tonight she was eating but she had been 
quite weak today and only an hour before she passed was the 1st time 
that she wasn't
able to stand up and walk... I pulled her up close to me and she felt 

We all will miss our Jet Cat...
Tad and Marie.

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