
I hope Ki's fever goes down and he's all right. 
Please let us know how he fares in the next few days?


--- dede hicken <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Just when you are feeling smug...I looked at Ki
> yesterday, and he just didn't look quite right. 
> Picked him up and he yowled, and tried to bite me. 
> Not like him at all.
> Took his temp (have 2 bites on my hand to prove it)
> and it was 106.  I couldn't believe it.  Gave him
> some
> fluids.  Another bite. And went to the vet.  They
> are
> calling it FUO, fever of unknown origin.  She gave
> him
> something for the fever, and a penecillin shot. 
> He is in a foul mood, but eating well.  Still
> doesn't
> want to be touched.  His gums look good.  I wonder
> if
> someone bit him, and it is the beginning of an
> abcess?
> On the bright side, they are finishing the cat
> enclosure on Sat...Yippeee!!!
> Have a nice day, everyone,
> Dede
> "When you are in the service of your fellow beings,
> you are only in the service of your God"
>                    Mosiah 2:17
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