you know, I have found this to be pretty true, also.  I have taken several
farm cats into my home bec. they got injured and were later determined to
be FELV+ or they were simply too sweet to part with.  Most have been former
Toms (of course, they are immed. vetted/neutered, etc), but these cats have
been the  most loving cats I have had, that and the ones rescued from the
city streets after being mangled up and rescued.  It is almost like they
are grateful.

> [Original Message]
> From: Sheryl Spagg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Date: 6/26/2007 10:47:03 AM
> Subject: Re: Now i've got something of a dilemma
> Hi Cassandra,
> I can tell you by my recent experience with farm cats
> that sometimes the momma is so thankful to be taken
> care of and loved that the stress goes away quicker
> than we think it will.  I rescued 6 kittens and a
> momma from a farm that sounds as bad as the one you
> are describing...except the dog liked the kitties...I
> worried about the momma after being in a house but she
> is doing awesome!!!!!  She loves me now and enjoys
> getting petted and loved.  Give your farm momma  a
> chance you might be surprised how thankful she will be
> that you saved her and her babies...I know my farm
> family is thankful!
> Good luck
> Sheryl
> --- C & J <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > My husband works with a young guy who lives with his
> > parents on a farm.  These people have barn cats, who
> > they basically care very little about.  Well one of
> > the cats had kittens a couple of days ago, and got
> > cornered by a dog.  By the looks of how scratched up
> > the dog was, she put up a good fight, but the dog
> > ate all but 2 of the kittens.  The farmers don't
> > care about the kittens at all, so they may still be
> > in danger from the dog.
> > 
> > My husband, feeling empty and sad by all that we've
> > been through, and wanting to make me happy again,
> > offered to take the mom and babies.
> > 
> > I seriously don't know what to make of this.  On the
> > one hand, it is far far too soon for me take in
> > anymore kitties, especially three of them.  By the
> > sounds of it, momma is half wild as she doesn't
> > receive much attention from humans.  She is used to
> > being outside on the farm, and I don't know how she
> > would handle coming into a strange house all of a
> > sudden.  It is possible she might get stressed out
> > and not take care of her little ones?
> > 
> > I also wanted to test my remaining two cats for FeLV
> > in about 6 weeks, to make sure they haven't picked
> > it up.  I didn't want to expose any kittens to the
> > virus.  Plus I don't know if this momma is even
> > healthy.  She could have the virus herself, or any
> > other number of things.  She will never have been
> > vaccinated.  If I was going to get more kitties, I
> > wanted to check out their backgrounds a little bit.
> > 
> > On the other hand, these poor kitties may or may not
> > survive on the farm.  Nobody cares about them. 
> > Plus, ever since I was 9 years old and watched a
> > mother cat give birth and watched the kittens grow,
> > i've wanted to experience that again.  I know I
> > could give them a much better life.
> > 
> > I just know i'm not ready to make this sort of
> > decision.  I've got open wounds that will take a
> > long time to heal, and just replacing my 3 lost
> > babies so quickly is not the way to heal.  I wasn't
> > even sure I wanted to get more cats, and definately
> > wanted to wait quite awhile.  I felt both appalled
> > and excited when my husband told me that he had
> > offered to take the kitties in.  When it hurts so
> > much, sometimes you just want to try filling those
> > empty places in your heart.
> > 
> > I know its difficult to give me any advice on this
> > one, but I just needed to tell someone.  You have
> > all been friends to me through the rough times.
> > 
> > Cassandra
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