Hey Melissa, 

I am glad your coworker isn't a cruel person.  I was
beginning to wonder.  Sometimes I wish I wore a banner
that said "Don't tell me horrific animal stories...I'm
an animal lover and my blood pressure skyrockets when
you do, and I will want to gouge yours or someone
else's eyes out with a fireplace poker"...lololol.

I'm starting to sound psycho.  Of course, horrific
stories like yours make me want to go psycho.  I wish
I wasn't wired that way, but I am.  I can't even watch
animals getting hurt on TV, when it's fake, like in a
movie.  I get very angry inside.  I got so mad
watching The Butterfly Effect (DO NOT watch this if
you are an animal lover, and besides, it's not a great
movie; pretty violent-my husband's choice), I tried to
leave the theatre, and my husband didn't want me to. 
So I closed my eyes for the rest of the movie and
thought about other stuff so I wouldn't be permanently
damaged for the rest of my life.  I left the theatre
and started swearing like I haven't since high school!

Witnessing cruelty is hard for me too.  My
brother-in-law disposed of their cat (a family pet for
years) when she started peeing in their new home.  I
just can't feel the same love for them now that I did;
I can't help it.  What did they teach their
children?!!!  And how will they treat one another when
their marriage gets rocky, as all do at times? 
Dispose of one another???  And my uncle once said he
would shoot my dog that lived with my mom because she
was doing something he didn't like.  I got hysterical
because I knew he would; luckily, he didn't.  My mom
and aunt live next door to each other.  My uncle is a
farmer.  I know I'm supposed to love these people, but
how can I wholly when I see cruelty?

If anyone reading this is offended by scripture, then
stop reading...God did give us dominion over animals;
that's Biblical (Genesis 1:26 and 1:28); however
'dominion' should be interpreted as 'stewardship'
rather than dominance, which gives us a responsibility
to care for and protect animals, not neglect them or
treat them cruelly!  If you are Jewish, you can
reference Shabbat 119; Sanhedrin 7 for the same
information (although I'm not sure what those mean; I
got them off the Internet).  Our dominion over animals
should be seen in the same way that God has dominion
over us: merciful and loving. Proverbs 12:10
specifically says: "A righteous man regards the life
of his animal, but the tender mercies of the wicked
are cruel" (NKJV) or "a righteous man cares for the
needs of his animal, but the kindest acts of the
wicked are cruel" (NIV).  Tell that to those people
who think they know scripture!  Thanks for the Bible
study time Melissa!


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