
I checked the Merck Vet manual online and it has this information



On 6/29/07, MaryChristine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

right, this 2/3 figure seems to be what's being used most often. winn
feline foundation has new position papers out on FIV/FeLV/FIP, and that's
what on theirs. http://www.winnfelinehealth.org

HOWEVER, i know that i saw that 70% figure in a number of places, and it
annoys me that i can't find it now.

re: vaccinated cats' immunity, as far as anyone i've heard of can tell,
there are NO, zip, zilch, nada, eppes documented cases of a vaccinated TRUE
NEGATIVE (ie, retested after the 120 days necessary) who has ever turned
positive from living with a true, retested positive. we all know of cases
where supposedly negative cats have turned up positive later, but in none of
those cases was the negative result ever verified. i know that in two
households, mine and at the sanctuary, with all cats supposedly negative,
we've found out later that SOMEONE was actually positive, when cats got

also according to the winn feline foundation, the new FeLV vaccines are
about 95% effective. (like gloria, i really don't like to think about where
they are coming up with the statistics, and what they're doing to our cats
to do so.) however, anyone with experience with FeLVs in large numbers has
questioned the "85% efficacy rate" of the vaccine for a long time, in light
of the high percentage of UNVACCINATED cats who throw off the virus, and the
fact that vaccinated cats living with positives stay negative.

i've questioned whether or not that 85% if just among kittens, frail
elders, and other compromised populations....

thanks for the links, hideyo!


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