It has to be their idea. I have had some wonderful ferals but they are not house cats as we normally think about them. They are very self sufficient and, when they decide to give you any sign of affection, much less kitten kisses or purrs, you know it is genuine.
I have used Feliway and am convinced that it works get. And it has worked with several cats. My regular vets use it in the cat area of their clinic. I really don't believe I would ever have persuaded the Royal Princess Kitty Katt to come out without Feliway. She chose to move in with my parents and was my father's cat until he left this world. Then her whole world turned on end and she became my mother's cat (same house just a different person as 1st person). I was the one who always caught her and clipped her nails, gave her meds, took her to the vet's etc when I came in from Louisville. Finally Mom decided she couldn't take care of Kitty and that she should live with me. This was no where in Kitty's plans and, in fact, was Kitty's version of hell. She lost her job (taking care of Mom), lost her nice quiet house in the country with electric heat and a stay at home person to live in the city with forced air gas heat, a working person with very irregular hours, a mailman who came to the door, all the different scents and noises...........I went so far as to replace the furnace and a/c before she came so she would not have to tolerate that. I slept on the floor for three months working with her and trying to get her to come out. The Feliway let her relax enough that she started coming out when I was asleep and things worked out from there. The price has really come down. I don't know if you have checked lately but, compared with what I originally paid for it, it is dirt cheap. It makes you smell like a cat and provides comfort to the little ones. If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow man. St. Francis ----- Original Message ----- From: Susan Dubose To: Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 6:56 PM Subject: Re: Birds, also, feliway.... Well, he has actually gotten much better, it kinda comes & goes...... Isn't it funny how the house ferals will run from you when you walk towards them, but you can sneak into your bedroom and they are asleep on your pillow, or rolling around on your dirty clothes that you tossed on the floor? (Yes, folks, I am a slob)....... It's like they REALLY want to be petted & loved, but it's soooo scary......... :( As for Feliway, I have had heard lots about it, and I know folks who use it, but they cannot actually tell me if it works or not. What do you think? Does it work for you? I have considered it, but it's pretty pricey and I always think "heck, that's a cat spay" or whatever. But if I knew it would work, I certainly would pony up the money........ Let me know your thoughts, folks....... Susan J. DuBose >^..^< "As Cleopatra lay in state, Faithful Bast at her side did wait, Purring welcomes of soft applause, Ever guarding with sharpened claws." Trajan Tennent ----- Original Message ----- From: Marylyn To: Sent: Saturday, June 30, 2007 5:43 PM Subject: Re: Birds No (that is too dear to take away) but it should help with the skittishness. It makes you smell like a cat (or so the theory goes). It really helped with the Royal Princess Kitty Katt (rehomed from my Mom's). It certainly helped establish a "safe area" with her.........not the awful smell of the terrible person who catnapped her from her chosen person. If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who will deal likewise with their fellow man. St. Francis ----- Original Message ----- From: Susan Dubose