My positive was positive when she was dumped at the vet's office close to a 
year old.  I think it was 1999, could have been 2000.

Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I am grateful that Junior is still with me. It will be a year in guessing a 
bit, but I would say September which was when he was treated for the anemia. I 
had to give Junior his Metacam today. I could tell he was not feeling well. 
Flinching when I petted him as if he was in pain. Time to go back to the vet to 
see what our options are. 
  I am wondering who has cats over a year from their dx of FeLV. 

  On 7/1/07, catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:     Sally,
  I'm sorry for what you are all going through.  Soft headbutts for Junior.

Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      Hi all
  The past two weeks have been very hectic. I am dealing with my fiance's 
illness and hospital doctor visits. Human medicine can be quite frustrating 
dealing with insurance companies and doctors that are booked months in advance. 
  Junior has been doing fairly well. He is stable at least, I am happy for 
that. I always want him normal, but his ears with their hemaetomas, and the eye 
with glaucoma tell me a different story. Plus his lymph nodes behind his ears 
stay a bit swollen. He get several supplements and salmon oil which I am hoping 
will eleminate his need for the matacam. I will know in a day or two, because 
he is now out of metacam, He really needs to have his eye removed, but I don't 
know about rocking his boat with the stress of surgery. Anyone have experience 
with this issue? 
  I am so sorry to hear about all the recent losses. It is a reminder that the 
time with our precious babies is fleeting and a gift. 
  The link below is a bulletin board Eric set up for me. He is upset because I 
have not shared it yet with anyone. Feel free to visit and post pictures of 
cats or flowers.  General discussion and funny stories are welcome as well. 
  Have a great day!

Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little 
Black, Lily, Daisy, Silver, and  Spike  Visit my BB for some pictures post your 
as well. 

Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little 
Black, Lily, Daisy, Silver, and  Spike  Visit my BB for some pictures post your 
as well. 

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