Alley Cat Allies advocates not combo testing asymptomatic feral cats.
If they do somehow test an asymptomatic feral cat and it comes up pos,
they don't euthanize it.

If you have one that is symptomatic I expect that is a different story.

On 7/10/07, Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I have yet another kitty-related dilemma and I wanted to put the word out to you guys to 
see if you can help.  When I was at the pet store on Friday, I was looking at the kitties 
up for adoption.  Not because I can take any now-- I have too much going on with Monkee 
as it is.  But seeing them play and running around boosts my spirits.  Well, I met the 
lady that does the adoption for them through the Shamrock foundation (no kill).   She's a 
cat rescuer and many of the cats that end up there being fostered and waiting for 
adoption were rescued from the pound by her.  I was telling her about Monkee and she said 
she doesn't have much experience with FelV+ cats, but that she has two now that were 
living outside, trapped and have recently been fixed.  They tested positive for FelV.  
One is an orange tabby that is positive-positive and she said "doesn't look 
good"- like he might already be sick.  The other is a tiny 6 month old long haired 
black and white female.  She says she is currently living in her bathroom right now and 
she can't take her in- she just doesn't have the room and resources to take an Felv+ in.  
The only option she has it to release both the cats back to the neighborhood where they 
were hanging out in.  Apparently there is a lady there that feeds them and kind of keeps 
and eye on them, but it means that she will have to release two FelV+ cats that won't be 
able to get the care they need if/when they get sick and will be at risk for spreading 
this horrible disease to other cats.  She said she is really sick over it, but she 
doesn't know what else to do.  She said the black and white female looks really good and 
she thinks could live a healthy life, if she could just get someone to take on a FelV+ 
kitty.  I told her I would ask you guys about it and see if there's anything other 
options here.
I am so new to all this- I am not a formal rescuer- I have really only rescued 2 strays 
(Monkee) and the unspayed (but not pregnant yet- thank god) white kitty that I 
"dumped" on my mom 2 years ago who is now her best friend!  So just don't know 
what the options are and wanted to see if anyone can offer some help/advice?
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