Hi guys,

Well, it has been an interesting 2 days.  I was not able to check my email at 
all until now after I posted I needed help.  But, help was provided asap in the 
form of a woman in Target, where I went to buy tuna and other items for the 
"trapping of the kitty".  She was wearing a red shirt, and looked like she 
might be getting off work, so I stopped her and asked her if she worked at 
Target and she said no, but she might be able to help me, and I told her I 
needed string and why, and wouldn't you know it...she does kitty rescue!  So 
she was very helpful and made me feel more confident about what I was going to 
do.  She actually works at the Petsmart next door.  What kind of luck is that?! 
 Well, after about 9 hours, I was able to trap this sweet kitty.  I started 
around noon and sat for 2 hours with string tied to the door of the cat 
carrier, about 10 feet away, and she just would not go in.  You should have 
seen my face when I gave up, walked up on my grandma's porch and out
 of the corner of my eye spotted this metal thing that looked suspiciously like 
a trap.  I felt so dumb, as I had seen that trap there for many years, and I 
guess I just forgot about it.  It's old and rusty and not my first choice in 
trapping this furbaby, but it worked.  She was finally trapped that evening 
with a little help from sardines.  She has been a real trooper.  She drove with 
me and my great aunt who is 82 all the way back to Texas, and she is now in my 
"kitty litter" room, a room off our garage where we normally keep all the 
litter boxes.  She of course is not very happy but is not very scared of me.  
She has walked by me a couple of times and actually started purring really 
loudly this morning when I came to visit and talk with her and try to entice 
her with food.  She isn't eating yet, but did seem interested in the tuna, so I 
am hoping when I go back in there in a couple of hours, she will have eaten 
something.  I have explained what happened and told her
 over and over that I will not hurt her.  She is so sweet.  You should hear her 
meow.  She is not aggressive at all, but I do not want to try to touch her 
until she has gained some trust in me.  She has a kitty carrier with a blanket 
over it, and it's dark in there, which is for right now where she prefers to 
be.  I have water, dry food (what she normally eats), cooked chicken, and tuna 
sitting out for her.  I am putting Calm Away in her water.  Any suggestions 
from anyone who has dealt with ferals are welcome.

As for the other kitties, yes, I told my uncle that he should not have done 
what he did with the other two; that they are used to being fed and even if 
they did catch the mice for food, that there are only so many mice.  However, 
he had just lost his mother, so I had to be fairly gentle about it, which was 
probably best anyway.  He doesn't hate animals; he's just ignorant about caring 
for cats as many people are who don't have experience.  I couldn't get in touch 
with him the next day when I went out to the house, so while I was trying to 
trap the kitty with the real trap, I left and drove around the area looking for 
a "farm".  No dice.  I did call the local feral rescue group and spoke with a 
very nice lady, who was helpful in trapping her, but she is full up and could 
not help with any of the kitties.  I had less than 24 hours to deal with these 
3 cats and am lucky to have been able to trap the one that was left.  I do not 
know what I can do now for the other 2, being
 over 1100 miles away, other than pray that they find a food source.  If he 
dumped him somewhat close to the house, there is a water source (a lake) 
nearby.  The woman I spoke with from the rescue said they are probably trying 
to make their way back home, so there's no telling where they might be.  

Wish me luck on my journey with this new one.  I haven't even told my husband 
yet.  He's asleep and I'm hoping he won't figure out she's here until he gets 
home from work later tonight, when I've had some rest and can spar with him if 
need be.  lol.

Thanks for all your help!

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

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