Hi Wendy and all,  

Sorry to take so long to respond to this concern. As has 
been posted, my health isn't that good. It's not bad, but it's 
not good either. When there are problems between list 
members, I tend to wait and let folks work it out for 
themselves (unless it turns into a flame war, of course). 
And, over the nearly ten years of running this list, I've only 
had to ban five people for continuing to cause trouble. This 
is a good list with good folk who are trying to care for their 
FeLV+ cats. There maybe differences of opinion on 
certain topics, but as long as everyone is respectful of 
others' opinions, all is well. 

Wendy, as to the problem with your Yahoo account, I'm 
not sure what to say other than Yahoo has had a lot of 
problems lately. They are testing various methods of 
SPAM control, so we are an occasional casualty. Also, I 
didn't receive your previous emails asking for assistance 
because the felvtalk-owner account is deluged with SPAM 
(several hundred per day now). If anyone needs me for 
anything, please keep my personal email address handy: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  Best wishes to everyone.

James G. Wilson - [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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