I saw a nice list the other day, but can't remember where - will have to look. Never heard of FORLs, what's that? Have you tried any of the recipes in Dr. Pitcairn's book for her?


On Jul 13, 2007, at 8:40 AM, Melissa Lind wrote:

Hi All,

Just wondering if anyone knew of sanctuaries that will take special needs kitties. My poor Ashley (foster kitty) still has diarrhea, and they suspect she has feline odontoclastic resorptive lesions (FORLs). I want to find a good home for her, but right now I’m not able to find anyone around here who’ll take on a special needs kitty. I just want her to get as much attention as she deserves.

She’s not FeLV (tested twice), and she seems healthy otherwise.

I don’t mind taking care of her, but we have 5 kitties in the house (2 that need homes), and now we’re expecting (me, not any kitties). I’m not sure how we’ll all fit into the house down the road. There’s constant wrestling and fighting all night long (play fighting), and I just need to alleviate a little stress. I love our two foster babies, but I know we can’t handle 5 forever (financially or emotionally) until we have a bigger home and more $!


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