Is she pooping and peeing ok?

On Jul 15, 2007, at 10:07 AM, catatonya wrote:

It sounds as if she's having seizures of some sort? Thoughts and prayers coming your way.


laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi. Tonight I thought Isabella was dead when I arrived. She was lying very still under the futon. When I trouched her, she cried out. When I moved her a little closer to me she cried more and seemed very upset. It looked like her legs were having spasms. She moved very slowly and stiffly. She did crouch ~ still under the futon ~ and lick gravy off the canned food.

Later, another caretaker went to check on her because I was worried. She called me and said Isabella was dead ~ she was on her back, legs straight in the air. I headed over and she called me back and said she was moving. She eventually came out and walked around, licked gravy and ate a few bites of food. She was her old friendly self, talking and rubbing.

Has anyone else experienced these symptoms? Isabella has (short) history of high fever and anemia. She has more recently cut back on food intake despite taking prednisone.I planned to take her in tomorrow for weight and fever check. Vet not there tomorrow so I may wait until Friday for physical exam. Foster mom said she cried out last night when she touched her front legs.

Vet plans to put her on an appetite stimulant that you give every 3 days. I don't remember the name.
any input greatly appreciated...

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