Hey guys,

Love this thread about people who don't like cats.  What Glenda says is so 
true.  I once saw a saying on a sticker that read, "People who don't like cats 
have never been loved by one."  So now, when I run into someone and we're 
casually talking about cats and they say they don't care fo them, I use that 
line on them.  I also have noticed (guys, forgive me) that many men are more 
ego-driven than women.  It's not a bad thing; that's just how it is.  And cats 
do not often cater to our egos.  We cater to theirs.  LOLOLOLOL.  So often, men 
say they don't like cats.  Of course, if a kitty decides it likes a man, and 
pays attention to it, then the man will love the kitty; my husband is exactly 
this way.  He at first said he didn't really like cats, and I came home one day 
to find him carrying Cricket around like a baby.  LOLOLOL.  "You don't like 
cats, huh?"  LOL.  And he loves Julie, who is indebted to him for saving her 
literally from the jaws of a large boxer, and now she gets
 up on his chest in his face; it's really cute.  People I know who are 
particularly egotistic often do not like cats.  One of my best friends is a 
Leo,and very ego-driven (Leos are sometimes like this), and she can't stand 
cats.  She likes to be in the spot light.  Surprisingly, she does have a new 
little dog, who she worships the ground he walks on, and I have to admit, he is 
cute as a button.  My grandmother, who died recently, has always loved cats, 
and my father picked this up from her.  I have three brothers, who all grew up 
loving cats, and now all of them as adults have cats and are great caretakers.  
So I agree that family tradition also plays a role in how a person views cats.

Ensie, our new feral kitty, is sitting in her cage right now.  I brought her 
into the computer room to enjoy the window while I'm typing.  She seems to like 
it.  She doesn't have any windows in the room she is sequestered in right now.  
I am going to take her into the vets in a week or so, depending on how she does 
with me, and have him look at her.  She has to be FeLV/FIV tested, and she 
needs a fecal done and flea meds, also, before I let her out into gen pop.  
lol.  She's doing great so far.  Such a sweet kitty.

Something really ironic happened, I thought you guys might be interested in.  
When I was in Greensboro, I contacted a group called The Feral Cat Assistance 
Program, a sub-group of Alley Cat Allies.  A woman named Lisa called me back 
and gave me info. that helped me to trap Ensie, which was my first trap.  When 
I got back to Texas, I called them again, and a woman named Amy answered a few 
of my questions about Ensie's care.  The funny thing was, I told her that I had 
called Best Friends to do a TNR on my grandma's feral colony a few years ago 
and that they had called their sister group in Greensboro, which is Amy's 
organization.  She said that they had come out to do the TNR.  So I was talking 
to the woman responsible for getting Ensie spayed.  Isn't that ironic?!  Even 
more 'fateful', Amy said she had been stressing about three kittens that they 
had recently trapped and tested positive for FeLV.  She said in the past, they 
had pts FeLV+'s because they didn't know better. 
 Now that she did know better, she didn't have much experience with positives, 
so was looking to learn.  I told her that I was an active member on the Feline 
Leukemia.org site, and she said it must have been fate that brought me along.  
I gave her some info. on seroconverting; basically told her there's about a 40% 
chance that the kittens will seroconvert.  She said she was going to wait a 
month before retesting (IFA), and I told her she may want to wait about 3 
months.  The woman who is caring for the kittens said she could keep them for a 
while, so that will be good.  She asked if I knew anyone who would take them.  
I only knew a few specific shelters, like Casa de Calmar at Best Friends, and 
the one up north that one of members was recently instrumental in seeing that 
it get built as an addition to a new shelter going up.  Anyone else know of any 
close to NC?  I also thought it would be great if we could add a link on the 
website of shelters that take FeLV+'s.  Any
 thoughts on this?  Do any of you know any shelters that are FeLV+ only?

I hope you all are having a great day.  FYI:  Coca-Cola contacted me today and 
said that Mr. Vick hasn't worked for them in a while (frustrating!), so I 
emailed them back and asked them about Powerade, a subsidiary of Coca-Cola.  
I'll let you know what they say.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

Boardwalk for $500? In 2007? Ha! Play Monopoly Here and Now (it's updated for 
today's economy) at Yahoo! Games.

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