Caroline, You are just such a thoughtful, nice
person...Now , I wonder could it be from how you were
raised?  Anyway, I think it is a healthy subject to
get on, as it is great hearing other people's take on
these things...I know I have absorbed a couple new
lines of thought on this subject, just by reading the
experiences/opinions of others...never really observed
the cat volunteers, the dog volunteers, but I
certainly can see that now...why there are those two
distinct groups out there...
You know, the more we can learn, the more we can
eventually share with others and if we can direct
ourselves in a positive way, we can make the world a
better place. It does seem to me ,especially for you
Caroline, right now, all this interaction and flooding
of ideas and information and positive approaches to
things to help others, dogs at the moment, and even
dogs not born yet is lovely. With what you have
introduced to us,this subject of cat-lovers,
dog-lovers is fantastic/interesting...Thanks.
 There are some people in this world that just give
and give and I can see you are one of
those...Actually, I feel that, the love, the give
factor, in everyone in this group. I'm really happy I
found you guys...
Now, I must tend to my day...I do work and I do have
cats to care for... and a hundred other things...
However,isn't it nice to have a little mutual mission
right now, where we can put some love towards helping
those poor dogs, by making the actions of that Vick
person reflect to society the ugly, evil, abomination
that it really was...? 
Little boys, especially, should never admire someone
who conducts himself in the fashion of Mr. Vick...This
is why, he must experience absolute humiliation in the
public light.We all want that to happen...right? 
As for the  people who say, loudly and proudly, that
they do not like a way it is all the same,
just another form of disrespect for animals.   It
would be my guess, Mr. Vick started out in life
thinking he hated cats and he simply was never taught
or  learned anything about what it is to feel the
wonder, amazement and love for creatures, other  than
maybe humans, who share our world. 
Vick and his "friends" are the extreme result of
little boys left unchecked...Certainly, they were all
horrible to cats as by doing what we are
doing here, is helping cats too...something to think
 Later, Glenda 
--- Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>


I think I inadvertently started this whole debate
about dog-lovers vs. cat-lovers and I so didn't mean
to do that!  I just meant that, sadly, if you need to
quickly draw attention to an animal plight that people
need to rally behind, a lot of times, it's easier to
do so when the plight involves dogs.  I don't think
that's right, but I have found it to be true.    

But, having been the daughter of a vet, no one in my
family got to really have the choice between which
animal we would prefer!  We had to love them
all...cats, dogs, pet mice that I "saved" from being
fed to a rehabbing snake, a gerbil, more ring-necked
doves than you can imagine, a baby rabbit, tons of
injured song birds, an injured duck, an injured wild
turkey, and even a baby mountain lion that my dad was
rehabbing when he was the Zoo vet that lived at our
house for a while.  The list goes on...  But yes, a
lot of the caring and compassion for animals does come
from exposure and experience.  I feel bad for people
who didn't have the opportunity to learn to take care
of another's like a compassion chip is
missing or something.



From:  glenda Goodman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject:  RE: OT: Severely OT, dog fights and NFL
Date:  Thu, 19 Jul 2007 07:42:28 -0700 (PDT)
>Hi guys,
>I could not help but add my two cents here on the
>subject of people who are convinced, or announce
>openly that they do not like cats:
>I noticed early on, that the people who proudly state
>that they do not like cats,always speak from the
>aspect of misinformation on every level. THESE ARE
>me too, that these might be people who grew up
>torturing every cat they might have run across as a
>child, so their experience with any cat might have
>been imagine ,say farm cats kept only
>as mousers, being treated badly by a family...These
>cats might run and hide every time a human
>appeared...I just thought of that...
>Anyway, somewhere along the line, these individuals
>have probably been brainwashed into believing cats
>only nice to you when they want something, while, if
>in the same sentence, they might proudly state, "BUT,
>I DO LIKE DOGS", hoping to redeem themselves as
>sensitive individuals somehow, as well as pillars of
>character...They maybe watched too many Lassie films
>and believe  dogs will stand by you until the end, no
>matter what ?Who knows, it is usually a
>combination...However, the one constant is : THESE
>PEOPLE NEVER KNEW A CAT. These are simply very
>uneducated/inexperienced types in animal contact
>exposure situations...A lot of the time these types
>are following a party line laid out by their family
>for a generation or more...  It is like they are
>trying to make some kind of statement attesting to
>their own character, by conveying what might seem
>admirable to them...aligning their own personality,
>say with what they believe are the attibutes of  a
>personality? It is most often an image thing... Also,
>these people are not animal lovers at all, no matter
>how they try to come across about LOVING dogs...
>their exposure to animals and experience with animals
>on a personal level is usually null.They know
>absolutely nothing about animals...I , when
>by this sort of person only say to them , "You just
>have never known a cat" I am always right 100% of the
>time. Oh yeah, and let's not forget those men
>to project a macho image that even if somewhere along
>the line they did know a cat and even appreciated
>cat would never admit it and wants the world to think
>I'm sorry if I am rambling here , but I'm just typing
>as I am thinking about what I have observed in people
>The bottom line is, when I do come across people who
>tell me they do not like cats, I immediately feel
>sorry for them ,because they have simply missed out
>such a love and a joy and seriously, there is no
>little critter more entertaining than a cat who has
>lots of personality...Oh yes , and cats are loyal,
>loving, cuddly, a lot easier to deal with than a
> if one must leave a cat alone for a day...
>There is all kinds of prejudice in this world and it
>is a very terrible thing. Every single incident of
>prejudice could be completely alleviated
>if the parties involved would only take the time to
>get to know what it is they feel they are not
>with or uncomfortable with...If only people were more
>kind and thoughtful and could appreciate everything
>this world that is beautiful...there would never even
>be wars...
>I think a lot of us love our cats so much because we
>can retreat in to that safe little beautiful world
>spend our time and energy devoting ourselves to
>something that is sweet and beautiful what is a
>cat...By the way, I love dogs too, probably too
>much...Which reminds me: DO SOMETHING NICE TODAY FOR
>DOG! Later, Glenda
>--- Melissa Lind <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Susan,
> >
> >
> >
> > You've said it exactly. I think that dog people
> > the attention and
> > companionship. I love dogs as well as cats, but
> > give us more freedom
> > (well, not with the checkbook), plus we're just
> > cat-people. Like Caroline
> > pointed out, there are many many dog people, but
> > most people I meet don't
> > like cats at all. Why? I haven't figured that one
> > out. Stereotypes?
> > Misconceptions? Idiocy? Not really sure.
> >
> >
> >
> > The pit bull abuses reminds me of The Dog
> > on Discovery or TLC or
> > whatever. Cesar Millan is so good at showing that
> > most dogs can be
> > rehabilitated, but in most instances it's the
> > that need the
> > rehabilitation, not the dogs. The plight of pit
> > bulls in our country is very
> > sad and depressing. They are certainly the most
> > misunderstood and mistreated
> > of dogs (up there with racing dogs). Plus many
> > people mistake other breeds
> > for pit bulls, not even understanding what a pit
> > bull actually is-they just
> > equate them with any tough, muscular dog with a
> > stocky stature.
> >
> >
> >
> > Enough ranting-I'm done with dogs for today. It's
> > happy day-our central
> > air should be fixed today after being broken for 3
> > weeks in 90-degree
> > weather! The babies will be so happy! I'll be
> > to play with them again,
> > and get back to normal! But living without air
> > conditioning helped us see
> > how truly spoiled we are, and how much we take for
> > granted.
> >
> >
> >
> > Melissa
> >
> >
> >
> >   _____
> >
> > [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
> > Behalf Of Susan Dubose
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 9:16 PM
> > To:
> > Subject: Re: OT: Severely OT, dog fights and NFL
> > player
> >
> >
> >
> > it was always so funny when I worked @ the AHS.
> >
> >
> >
> > The difference between the "dog" volunteers /
> > walkers & the "cat"
> > volunteers.......
> >
> >
> >
> > Dog people seem to really dislike cats, and they
> > needed to have something
> > that "wants to please them".
> >
> >
> >
> > Very important.
> >
> >
> >
> > The cat volunteers also liked dogs, but purrfurred
> > cats.
> >
> >
> >
> > The cat people could also appreciate the free
> > of a cat, as opposed to
> > the "neediness" of a dog.
> >
> >
> >
> > And dogs that do not respect the "pack order" in
> > home environment can be
> > considered unadoptable, unfortunately, due to the
> > fact that they will
> > challenge the children. (And other things, to say
> > the least).
> >
> >
> >
> > Can you tell I took a lot of behavioral classes
> > used to evaluate dogs
> > for intake into our adoption program...?
> >
> >
> >
> > It was actually pretty sad, we would have to make
> > sure the dogs were "dummy
> > proof".
> >
> >
> >
> > And Caroline, please do not measure yourself by
> > others have done, be
> > happy that you are more evolved than most folks
> > that you are doing
> > something to help, and that you know what is right
> > what is wrong.
> >
> > Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
> >
> >
> >
> >                                   "As Cleopatra
> > in state,
> >                                    Faithful Bast
> > her side did wait,
> >                                    Purring
> > of soft applause,
> >                                    Ever guarding
> > with sharpened claws."
> >                                             
> > Tennent
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> >
> > From: Caroline Kaufmann
> > <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >
> > To:
> >
> > Sent: Wednesday, July 18, 2007 8:31 PM
> >
> > Subject: Re: OT: Severely OT, dog fights and NFL
> > player
> >
> >
> >
> > The Humane Society is overseeing the care for the
> > seized dogs.  I fear
> > that some will have to be put down due to injuries
> > and illness.  But there
> > has got to be some kind of rehabilitation that is
> > done on the dogs that are
> > not ill/injured beyond repair.  Also, I try not to
> > know too much about pit
> > bull fighting because it's too hard for me to
> > stomach...but some females are
> > used just for breeding, so I should think some of
> > the would be salvageable.
> > Again, if you can, log onto the Humane Society's
> > website and you can donate
> > an amount that will be used to help these actual
> > seized dogs.
> >
> > I guess this is just a reminder that our work is
> > never done.  Even if you
> > don't do dog rescues or you aren't a "dog person,"
> > it's still important to
> > give what you can...and even more so, to call
> > attention to this matter to
> > the people out there who are dog people!  I think
> > my whole life I have
> > met way too many people who AREN'T cat people and
> > that has always made me
> > sad, but I can count on only one hand the people
> > that claimed to not be dog
> > people.  Thus, I feel like if you take the time to
> > get the word out, there's
> > no end to the positive results that could come
> > that just because of the
> > shear numbers of people who are willing to stand
> > against cruel treatment
> > of dogs.
> >
> > All of you people have done more than me for
> > and it amazes me the
> >
>=== message truncated ===
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