i wouldn't give ANYTHING to kitty that I didn't know was safe. Some substances can be very toxic.

If she has herpes, give Lysine - it's a proven winner. If I were trying to address the FELV visue, what I usually use it Interferon or ImmunoRegulin. Would *NOT* do Valtrex without more info, and my gut reaction is it doesn't sound like a possibilitly.


On Jul 29, 2007, at 1:42 AM, Quentin Sonnier wrote:

I have a sweet little black with white tip
girl and I took her to the vet to get treated and wormed. We had her tested and she had a very faint positive for FeLV. I've been reading up on treatments and anti virals and I was wondering if it would be a good/ bad idea to give her low dose of valtrex? Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated. The kitten is about 4 months old and VERY energetic.
Quentin Sonnier

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