Hi Susan, 

We went through this 4 yrs ago with our largest foster
home.  It's really a nightmare.  Looking back I can
see we did a few things wrong.  Beating the bushes and
calling their names was the wrong thing to do, esp
with the more feral cats.  Setting traps is really a
better idea.  

You might pick up tips from catsinthebag.org too.  

The leftover smell of the fire and smoke might
discourage them from coming too close to the house -
talk about a bad memory! - so maybe setting traps in
neighbor's yards might be helpful.  

A very few neighbors put food and water out on back
porches or near bushes where a frightened cat could
sneak in and eat and the neighbor would let us know if
that happened so we would then set a trap right there.
 If your neighbors are helpful, that's half the

Those 2 things were important to recognize, in
hindsight - the home that now smelled like a nightmare
and the calm, calculated drawing in of the cats in the
surrounding area. 

Thinking of you and your cats,


--- Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Two of the missing cats -- Buddy and Lil Mister --
> are my personal cats, two former feral brothers.  (I
> have their sister YoYo with me right now.)  Buddy
> has been seen inside since the fire but he is really
> freaked, reverted to feral.  Lil Mister has not.
>   Sugar is in the house, also a former feral, and
> she's pretty smug about not going into those traps
> we've set.
>   Gustine (also known as Yard Fodder) is a VERY
> feral lynxpoint siamese girl, a foster, and she has
> been seen after the fire inside the house.
>   Tuffy is a sweet fearful former feral foster girl,
> a little tabby.  Have not seen her.
>   Widget is a very shy all black kitten, maybe 4
> months old.  Have not seen her.  (She's the only one
> of the kittens still missing.)
>   There are still 3 outside feral cats, all of whom
> have been seen.
>   We have traps set inside and out.  Going back with
> a drop trap in a few days to get the outside cats. 
> Planning on camping out there overnight soon to try
> to get the remaining inside cats.  The general
> consensus is that they are hiding inside the house
> and, after trapping Rooster overnight and Tanner
> yesterday, and finding Ember hiding in the burned
> out basement, I suspect they are all still inside. 
> If I keep going back and keep baiting those traps,
> eventually I should be able to get them all.  No one
> has been found dead so I have to assume they are
> alive and in there somewhere.
> wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   Susan,
>   I have crossposted to the hyperT group.  I can
> also send to my cousin in L.A. who knows people, but
> she's out of town until the middle of this month.  I
> am so, so sorry this has happened to you, but so, so
> happy that none of your kitties were killed in the
> fire.  I have a dumb question: are the five lost
> cats just lost/hiding in the house in the rubble or
> are they outside somewhere?  Also, are all your
> personal cats accounted for or are some of them part
> of the missing five?
>   Sending good vibes your way to find those lost
> kitties and that you find a place soon to rent until
> you're able to get settled again.
>   :)
>   Wendy
>   "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful
> committed citizens can change the world - indeed it
> is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret
> Meade ~~~
>   ----- Original Message ----
> From: Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
> Sent: Tuesday, August 7, 2007 11:03:14 AM
> Subject: Re: FIRE!!!!!
>   Just set up a photobucket account with photos of
> (a) fire damage, (b) missing cats and (c) adoptables
> in foster care.  PLEASE CROSSPOST WIDELY.  The link
> is http://s207.photobucket.com/albums/bb3/susan4233/
>  I will gather more photos as I can but I want to
> start circulating what I have.  
>   Need adoption assistance with cats in foster care.
>   Need good trapping vibes for the ones who are
> still missing.
> Kelly L <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>   So far there are now only 5 cats she has not found
> as 
> yet,,Susan's really big need is for fosters who can
> assist with 
> adoptions and anyone knowing of animal friendly
> rentals between 
> Vallejo and San Francisco,,she said she could go up
> to 1500 per month,,
> If you can't reach her you can contact me also
> p.m. and I will reach her,
> thanks
> Kelly
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