   Thank you for your encouraging words. Midnight being sick was such a shock! 
He was the one who would take toys from the other two and play! He was/is 
absolutely beautiful. I know he is in kitty heaven. I think that when we were 
in the vets office last night he became visually worse, he could hardly stand 
up at all. I just held him, cried, kissed him, loved on him and told him how 
much I loved him. I hope he is at rest peacefully.

laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
          Angela, I am so sorry....for your loss, your pain and the 
uncertainty....I unexpectedly lost Keisha 5 weeks ago. I didn't even know she 
was sick (not feline leukemia+). Now another of mine has a similar heart 
problem (not related and not contagious)....somedays I am overwhelmed...I try 
to know that what I learned with Keisha will help me better care for Lucy.
  a note of hope ~ I had two feline leuk positive boys. Squeaky was never sick 
during his first 22 years. Stripes lived to 16 despite being sick on and off. 
We have finally figured out a protocol that is working for Isabella for now. 
She was sicker than the boys and came to us in May (years after the boys died). 
There is hope. If your kittys have feline leukemia, then it's plan B for 
treatment. Please try to breathe and know that they are in good hands and you 
can handle whatever comes your way. These kitties are put in our lives for a 
reason. ALLOW yourself to grieve and be mad and's all part of the 
  My heart reaches to yours...right this and all 3 kitties are in 
my prayers.
  Safe journey to your Midnight. 
  One comfort I had from the sudden death of Keisha was she was giving me the 
gift of not having to watch her suffer over weeks or months and not having to 
make a tough decision for her someday.

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