To all who have hellped me thru this day...
  Thank you for your support and encouraging words. We just got back from the 
Vet's office, with Ripley and Sherman, the SNAP test came back NEG!!!!!! We are 
going to retest in 3 months. 
  The Vet said the only difference in the 2 tests (SNAP verses IFA) is the 
accuracy is a little higher with the IFA. Both tests are in the 90 percent 

  God bless all!
Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
    HI Angela
  This sounds exactly like what happened to my Pumpkin. What may be different 
is that Pumpkins was hiding the fact he was not eating. Although I did figure 
it out. His gums were exactly as you described he spent two nights at the vet 
hospital with fluids and IV Baytril. He crashed the second night. I imagine 
much like your baby did. His spirit was gone when I arrived to visit him that 
morning. They had cleaned him up and he was cold. I felt so bad that I did not 
see his symptoms sooner. I had him euthanized. Cats are good at hiding there 
symptoms. I had another cat who was sick at the same time and being treated for 
anemia by a different vet. This was due to the fact he had been hit by a car 
several months earlier and that was the only available vet who could see him in 
a hurry. 
  Now I was worried Junior's condition was more serious. I took him back in 
that week and though he looked fine he had a fever of 106.5. The kept him 
hydrated him and called me to say they wanted to to a FELV test. He has tested 
neg that same year. It came back positive. I had 11 cats at that time. Two more 
tested positive. One also had been sickly had FIV as well. He had been adopted 
from a shelter. I was in panic mode last fall. The group kept me going. I lost 
Tiny from unrelated cause he died very suddenly last Christmas. Lionel, my 
felv/fiv cat  was also PTS he was not well. 
  Good news Junior is stable and he had a very rough go but is fine now other 
than his pos status. He gets immune booster like the group says.

  On 8/21/07, Angela Lewis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:     Susan,
   Boy was not good, at all, last night. He went down hill very fast. He was 
fine last Thursday, then Friday we moved, I thought he just was 

Yahoo! oneSearch: Finally,  mobile search that gives answers, not web links. 

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