any info re: costs?

I will talk with my vets Monday or Tuesday, but I am curious about the
costs....i.e., for transfusion, epogen, etc... (I know about cost of
prenisolone as I already have a cancer cat on this).

Money is NOT the deciding factor, but I don't want to be shocked.


> [Original Message]
> From: Belinda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Date: 8/26/2007 6:32:03 PM
> Subject: Re: Questions for Belinda - for Tracy
> PS.  At that low you may want to consider a transfusion to tide her over 
> until the epogen can kick in.  I would also get her on Nutrived and vit 
> B shots right away.  Iron, folic acid and vit b's are needed to build 
> blood, Nutrived has all of those.  I give this to Fred, he is CRF and 
> was slightly anemic so I started him on the Nutrived and vit B shots so 
> we hopefully wouldn't get bad enough to have to use the epogen and his 
> HCT went from 24% to 30%.  Don't know where it is now but from his 
> behavior I'd say in the high 20's or low 30's, he still gets the 
> Nutrived and vit B shots and I've added Marrow Plus which seems to have 
> given him added energy (Hidyeo recommended this).
> I buy the Nutrived here:
> -- 
> Belinda
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