All I know is Junior has not been anemic since he had the immuno regulin.
The vet says the last time she checked him his PVC was good for a FeLV cat.
It was low end of normal I think around 30.


On 8/29/07, Megan Heikkinen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does immuno-regulin help with anemia? If the problem is her red blood cell
> count, couldn't it be bad if her white blood cell count was increased?
> >===== Original Message From Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
> >Don't know if it would help but my Tucson has had a couple of episodes of
> >very low white blood count.  Vet gave her a series of immune-regulin
> shots
> >and it did perk her back up pretty quickly.
> >
> >Christiane Biagi
> >914-632-4672
> >Cell:  914-720-6888
> >
> >Katrina Animal Reunion Team (KART)
> >
> >
> >Join Us & Help Reunite Katrina-displaced Families with their Animals
> >
> >-----Original Message-----
> >[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Megan Heikkinen
> >Sent: Tuesday, August 28, 2007 9:44 PM
> >To:
> >Subject: RE: To Megan: Re: My cat was tested positive yesterday, and I
> don't
> >know what to do.
> >
> >Olive actually did test negative on the ELISA test, although it wasn't a
> >strong negative. The IFA was done twice and came up positive both times.
> We
> >skipped the ELISA test on my other two, and instead are having the blood
> >shipped to the vet school for the IFA.
> >
> >I don't think that my vet seems to know a whole lot about FeLV, really.
> He
> >hasn't really given me any options as to what to do with Olive. He may be
> >under the impression that it's a lost cause. He gave me amoxidrop, but I
> >don't
> >know if that's even helping. He didn't say what type of anemia it was,
> >although I would assume it's non-regenerative. He is aware of
> >Hemobartonella,
> >but I don't think he seemed too concerned about it. I'm going to call
> >tomorrow
> >and hopefully get more answers. I knew the transfusion wouldn't last
> long,
> >but
> >I didn't realize that it would only be for about a week. I will try to
> get
> >Doxycylcine, as well as a consultation at the vet school. Now I'm scared
> >that
> >I'm too late to help her. If need be, I can do another transfusion,
> although
> >last time we had to get blood from one of my other cats, and I hate
> putting
> >them at risk. I will try to talk to other vets if mine proves unhelpful.
> >
> >Thank you for your input, and thanks to everyone else, as well. You all
> are
> >giving me hope, even it's just a little bit.
> >
> >-Megan
> >
> >>===== Original Message From wendy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> =====
> >>Megan,
> >
> >Hi and welcome to the group.  I'm sorry you had to find us but you've
> come
> >to
> >the best place there is for info. short of a Veterinary Internist.  I
> hope
> >this evening finds you better off than last night.  Michael is
> right...going
> >to the website and clicking into Archives and searching through the most
> >current archives is a very good idea.  There is so much to learn and lot
> of
> >good, intelligent people here to help you.
> >
> >Retesting with the IFA after a positive ELISA (in-house) test is
> important.
> >ELISA can give false positives/negatives.  However, since Olive already
> is
> >dealing with anemia, the test is probably correct.  However, all of your
> >kitties who are positive can still seroconvert and 'throw' the virus, so
> >don't
> >give up hope that one day they will be negative.  I would retest every
> 3-6
> >months (probably 6, since it's less stressful on them to travel and test
> >less
> >often).  About 30-40% of cats who are exposed will throw off the virus,
> >which
> >means that if all three were exposed as kittens, which is the most likely
> >scenario for exposure, then the other two may be negative.  I'm betting
> at
> >least one of them is, considering the numbers.
> >
> >I will not sugar-coat things...anemia is bad for FeLV+ kitties.  It's
> fatal
> >a
> >lot of the time, BUT we have seen kitties here who got through the anemia
> >with
> >things like transfusions and meds to help stimulate red blood cell
> >production
> >(mainly prednisolone).  The transfusion will wear off.  I think it lasts
> >about
> >10 days, give or take.  Someone correct me if I'm wrong.  Did the vet
> give
> >you
> >any meds to give Olive?  She needs help in getting her RBC's going again.
> >Did
> >the vet say she has regenerative or non-regenerative anemia?  Do you
> happen
> >to
> >have a copy of the bloodwork results done on Olive?  If not, can you get
> >them
> >to send you one electronically or pick one up to post here?  The BIG
> thing
> >you
> >need to know about is Hemobartonella.  Did your vet mention putting Olive
> on
> >a
> >three week dose of Doxycycline.  Hemobart is very difficult to see on a
> >slide,
> >so difficult to diagnose.  One minute the blood parasite is there, the
> next
> >it's not.  So the majority
> >> of vets usually dose with doxy when they see anemia in an felv+ cat.
> >Hemobart has a much higher presence in FeLV+ kitties.  If it is hemobart,
> >that's a good thing Megan.  It means you have a much better chance of
> saving
> >Olive.  But you have to get her the meds asap.  And be firm with your vet
> >about the doxy.  If your vet has not touched on any of these things I'm
> >telling you, find another vet asap.  You need someone who is willing to
> work
> >with you to save Olive.  Not make money off of you and not immediately
> >suggest
> >pts at the first sign of a positive FeLV test.  Michael's suggestion of
> >getting a referral to UT is a great idea.  I'm concerned that the vet did
> >not
> >tell you that the transfusion was just a temporary fix.  It treats the
> >symptom, not the problem.  Some people do treat with Interferon.  I would
> >post
> >a question with that in the subject line and you will get more specific
> >responses regarding that specific treatment.  Interferon will not treat
> >> anemia though.  It helps the immune system stay strong so the virus
> >doesn't
> >kick in.
> >
> >The two most important things you can do to keep your kitties healthy and
> >the
> >virus from 'kicking in' or activating is to feed them a high quality
> diet,
> >one
> >with no grains, like Innova Evo or the like.  Add immune boosting
> >supplements
> >like lysine to the food.  Lysine must not have the additive Propylene
> Glycol
> >in the ingredients as it causes Heinz body anemia in cats.  The other
> thing
> >is
> >to keep your kitties as stress-free as possible.  New additions to the
> >family,
> >long vacations and especially boarding, moving, environmental factors
> like
> >heat, a lot of company, and loud noises are all some things that can
> stress
> >kitties out.  Also, your kitties have already been exposed, so separating
> >them
> >at this point is only going to stress them out further, something you
> don't
> >want.   I would not separate.  I did not separate mine (I had four, one
> >positive; the other three never became positive after four years sharing
> the
> >same food/water bowls and litter boxes).
> >
> >Try not to stress out too much Megan, so Olive will not pick up on
> it.  Do
> >as
> >well as you can in your studies even though you are dealing with this,
> and
> >enjoy every minute you have with Olive.  Take photos of her so in case
> the
> >worst happens, you have a visual memory of her.  I am not trying to scare
> >you;
> >just trying to give realistic advice.  You can't know what's in store for
> >Olive in the near future.  Prepare for the worst, but hope and PRAY for
> the
> >best.  And please keep us posted and ask anymore questions you may have.
> >
> >:)
> >Wendy
> >
> >
> >
> >____________________________________________________________________________
> >__
> >______
> >Choose the right car based on your needs.  Check out Yahoo! Autos new Car
> >Finder tool.
> >

Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little
Black, Lily, Daisy, Silver, and  Spike  Visit my BB for some pictures post
your as well.

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