Ahhh, Caroline, thanks so much for sharing this story.

You just MADE my day..........;)

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
                                  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
                                   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
                                   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
                                   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
                                             Trajan Tennent

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Caroline Kaufmann 
  To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org 
  Sent: Friday, September 07, 2007 1:06 PM
  Subject: Update on Felv+ B/W Female kitty...good news!

  Great news!  A while ago, when Monkee was still alive, I had posted about a 
B/W, long-haired, docile, sweet, female FelV+ cat (maybe a year old?) who my 
contact at the no-kill adoption agency had picked up from a colony downtown and 
had gotten fixed.  She planned to re-release her, but she tested her for FeLV+ 
and FIV (which she never does), and she's Felv+.  So she's had this dilemma 
about what to do and the cat's been living in her bathroom since I think at 
least the end of June because she couldn't bring herself to re-release. 


  Anyway, she got adopted last night!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  I couldn't't believe 
it!!!  She is now living in HUGE house in a really expensive part of 
town-basically, she's a rich kitty now!  There's a lady who currently has a 
male 8 yo Felv+ cat.  Her son, who's in first grade, told her he wanted a 
kitty.  She told him that they couldn't't get a kitty because they have a Felv+ 
cat.  Somehow, she must have contacted the adoption agency and actually asked 
for a Felv+ (which usually never happens).   My contact took her the cat 
yesterday, so she got to see her huge house.  The lady showed her around and 
then said: "Now, let me show you Baby's room!"  (the cat has been nicknamed 
Baby by my friend keeping her in the b-room).  My friend was like, "What?!  Her 
room?!"   Yep.  She has her OWN bedroom!  Of course, Baby will have the run of 
the house too, since this lady has only Felv+ cats, but she also has her own 
separate bedroom.  Apparently, it was all set up with her litter box and play 
toys and kitty-hammock.  I was just so happy to hear that Baby doesn't't have 
to go back outside and live out her life as a Downtown Louisville Colony cat., 
I almost cried.  Thank god my contact held onto her and didn't't break down and 


  In further good news, I suspected this lady may have wanted another Felv+ cat 
because she hadn't lost one yet (I know, I was being negative and I shouldn't't 
be like that).  But apparently, she had one other than the 8 yo male that she 
recently lost- so she has been thru it and knows what she's getting into I 
guess.  Also, I can't believe she has a Felv+ cat that is 8!  Of course, I am 
jealous..I would have given anything to have had The Monkee for 8 years.  My 
friend said the lady has her 8 yo on Interferon and she asked me if I had 
treated Monkee with that (no- only during chemo).  That led to a discussion 
where I yet again lamented whether I did everything I could to prevent the FelV 
taking over while Monkee was still healthy, i.e., did we go to the right vet?  
Was his Vet proactive enough (I really can't decide about this one)?  Were 
people proactively treating healthy Felv+ cats like they are now (with 
supplements and Interferon) 4 ½ years ago when I first found him (questioning 
whether the resources were available- I'd rather not know the answer to this 
one).  Alas, answers to these questions don't really matter now and I know 
Monkee had a great life.just another subtle instance that makes me doubt 
myself..but this isn't about me or Monkee, it's about the fact that the B/W 
female got adopted and is going to be a rich-kitty and well-taken care of!  I'm 
so happy!


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