this is when it gets so frustrating--so many things could be causing it, and
many of them benign. i have no real suggestions beyond those offered so far;
i have a couple who vomit clear fluid often--but have done so for most of
their lives, and it's clearly not indicative of anything.

good luck....


On Nov 21, 2007 11:34 PM, Marylyn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I have no idea if this is right or not and am only putting it on the table
> for you to consider..........The Royal Princess Kitty Katt did that when
> she
> started having trouble with her pancreas.  She was much older and not
> FeLV+.
> I know there are lots of causes for vomiting, especially clear "throw-up."
> I am not sure why I feel compelled to put this out but here it is.
> FYI:  Kitty did not leave this world because of her pancreas problems and
> apparently over came them nicely.  If I recall we watched her diet and did
> as much homeopathic medicine as she would allow.  I included some version
> of
> colostrum (and do with current cats) anytime I could.  I am a big believer
> in it.
>                                                 If you have men who will
> exclude any of God's creatures
>                                                 from the shelter of
> compassion and pity, you will have men who
>                                                 will deal likewise with
> their fellow man.
>                                                                  St.
> Francis
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Tracy Weese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: <>
> Sent: Wednesday, November 21, 2007 9:36 PM
> Subject: OT .. Re: FELV- cat, throwing up....input/suggestions?
> > Here are the basics: Freckles was fine over the weekend and even until
> > Monday mid-day, then he starts throwing up (clear vomit, not yellow or
> > bloody, a little sticky like mucus) and does so about once every 4-8
> > hours,
> > through that night. Call vet Tuesday a.m., they could not fit us in and
> so
> > we went this a.m.
> >
> > He had no temp. and did not appear to be in pain or too depressed
> although
> > it was clear he is not himself, less playful and more just sitting
> around.
> > The vomiting continued Tuesday and so by this a.m., I am not sure when
> he
> > last ate/drank, but he did pee in the litter box. He was NOT dehydrated
> > and
> > not yellow. X-rays did not show any obvious obstruction but there was a
> > tiny spot that might need to be explored further if things don't
> improve.
> > We were thinking he may have swallowed something that was stuck in his
> > tummy, even a large hair ball which was making him vomit and not be
> > hungry.
> > He got an injection to address the throwing up, it may take 24 hours to
> > really kick in and then I have pills to give him throughout tomorrow.
> Vet
> > sent home ID food which is easy on the tummy in the hopes that once the
> > omitting stops, we can start him on a bland diet to get him eating
> again.
> > He threw up once when he got home and has mostly just slept, and is
> still
> > not interested in food.
> >
> > So of course, I am worried sick. Freckles is approx. 2, very healthy and
> > friendly normally. He is FELV-. I am looking for hints, suggestions,
> words
> > of encouragement. My vet said he has seen this before and so he is not
> as
> > worried as me, but.....if he is not better by Friday a.m., he goes back.
> I
> > am always prepared to take him to an emergency vet if things get worse,
> > but
> > my vets, who have known Freckles most of his life and last saw him a few
> > months ago for routine stuff, seem confident this is not going to have a
> > sad ending. I have lost 3 cats to FELV recently, and so they know how
> > important this is to me right now.
> >
> >
> >
> > Tracy
> >
> >
> >


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Maybe That'll Make The Difference....


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