I'll let everyone know.  I feel better.  I felt a little panicky earlier today 
and that is why I hit the internet to ask you all- on Christmas!  Sorry!  It's 
also been so hard b/c I've been so depressed missing Monkee this Christmas.  He 
made x-mas fun!  Since I'm 30 and single, no kids, he was my kid and I got him 
tons of presents and we had a banner x-mas last year- he got so much stuff last 
year it was insane!  So I've been sad thinking about that and then with the 
thoughts of my fosters having something really bad and worrying about exposure 
and the problems I'm having with the group I vol for, it was just all too 
But I do feel better now and I appreciate the help and insight that came so 
quickly.  That's why I continue to think this group is just so wonderful.  
I'm still holding out hope that I get lucky and it's just some kind of 
infection- albeit a bad one- coupled with malnourishment/anorexia (which is a 
whole other bag of worms that I would need to tackle- both to rehab him and to 
call attention to the fact that he was in that state to begin with, but that 
would be definitely more manageable).  I'll keep everyone updated.  
thanks for the help!

Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2007 18:59:06 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Re: Archives
Yes I agree and I would think more likely FELV than FIP. Hopefully it is none 
of these.
 Junior handles his bad eyesight very well. He hisses a lot at the other cats 
On Dec 25, 2007 6:48 PM, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes, one of my seized fosters had uveitis as well.  It is very hard to treat.  
I don't think it has a connection with FIP though, and cats can do very well 
partially blind or even completely blind in one eye. 

On Dec 25, 2007 5:42 PM, Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Your description of the eyes sounds like uveitis, Junior had this after his 
initial symptoms from the FELV onset. Junior had this after he was dx with 
FELV. It is hard to treat and took a over a month to clear up. He was already 
blind in one eye but left the good eye partially blind as well. You can google 
for pictures but sounds like what you describe and terramycin will not clear it 
up. I have not dealt with FIP except I lost a cat many years ago which the vet 
said was FIP. This was way before testing. He went on symptoms alone. I was 
away at college and the cat went off to die.  I will be crossing my fingers 
that the kitty is negative fro all these infectious diseases. I too would take 
FIV over FELV any day. Bless you for caring. 
Today is the anniversery of Tinys death. Bansy also died on this day. He too 
had uveitis and if Kerry is still on the gorup maybe she can give you more 
information as to treatment. Tiny and Bandy went to the rainbows bridge 

On Dec 25, 2007 3:02 PM, Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I can't access the Archives.  I keep trying and I keep getting an error 
message.  It's not my internet service, obviously, or I wouldn't be able to 
send this email.  Anyone else tried?    I'd really like to get to the Archives 
because I took a cat into my home that I took from the store on Sat. because he 
looked horrible and no one else is doing anything about it (of course).  Took 
him to the doctor yesterday (had to fight to get approval to even do that and 
the cat is obviously sickly looking- I'm so frustrated), and the vet is very 
concerned about "infectious disease."  Thank god- but I think he was shocked 
that the cat hasn't been treated yet, so I made it very very clear that I just 
got my hands on this cat and have been playing "clean-up duty" since the end of 
Aug. on these orphaned Metro AC June babies and that the group I VOLUNTEER FOR 
has made my self-appointed task of cleaning up their neglected messes, very 
very difficult.  I didn't mince words.  It was Christmas Eve and I spent 2 
hours and 15 mins at the vets and NOT being able to work and I just cracked I 
guess.  The vet is suspecting- based only on the physical exam b/c we won't get 
the blood tests (full panel) back on Wed. (hopefully)-- FIP, FIV, and/or Felv 
in that order.  I am not so worried about Felv b/c I have dealt with that 
before and I just don't think it's transmitted that easily in non-fighting cats 
(my own opinion).  But I have never dealt with FIP and FIV and this cat was 
mingled with my other fosters by the adoption agency I volunteer for before I 
ever even took in any cats.  So basically I am freaking out that I may have FIP 
cats on my hands and not have known it b/c of course I am now wondering if that 
is what has been wrong with my weak little Possum cat all this time.  I'm mad 
and scared and feel like I was asked to take in cats yet not given the 
resources to deal with them fully and protect them from each other; not to 
mention the caring for them with 2 hands tied behind my back b/c to get 
approval to take them to a vet (for the agency to pay for it) takes more 
arguing and hoop jumping-- the cat has to be practically dying to be able to 
get approval without being told things like "well, if it would make YOU feel 
better...but I think you are overreacting."  And I spent literally hundreds of 
dollars premium food and litter that I just don't have any money left over to 
rush cats out to vets and pay for it myself.  I'm just sick over this.  I'm 
trying to care for this little guy until we get the results back.  I have to 
give him fluids- which I have never done and he's a fighter.  He got fluids 
yesterday at the clinic, but he was still somewhat sedated from when they took 
his blood, so I am sure my attempt today will not go half as smooth.  He's not 
happy about being in a crate in a room by himself either and it breaks my 
heart.   So I wanted to look through the archives because I know FIP and FIV 
have been discussed before.  Also, of my 3 barn kittens (totally separated from 
the other fosters- so don't worry about that), I have one now who's little spay 
site seems a tad oozy.  Nothing scary scary like blood or a lot of fluid, but 
it just doesn't look totally right.  Not that I know what totally right looks 
like tho because I've never had a kitten this young spayed and I wasn't really 
given any follow-up care instructions- just been using my own common sense.  
But of course, I am worried.  And of course, it's Christmas and that makes it 
very hard to call and ask anyone!   Caroline   

Get the power of Windows + Web with the new Windows Live. Get it now!-- Sally, 
Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little Black, 
Lily, Daisy, Pewter, Junior Junior (newest) , Silver, and  Spike  Please Visit 
my Message board for some pictures. You are welcome to sign up. 

-- Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.http://www.rescuties.orgVist 
the Rescuties store and save a kitty 
 help Clarissa!http://rescuties.chipin.com/clarissasheart-- Sally, Eric (not a 
cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little Black, Lily, Daisy, 
Pewter, Junior Junior (newest) , Silver, and  Spike  Please Visit my Message 
board for some pictures. You are welcome to sign up. 
Don't get caught with egg on your face. Play Chicktionary!

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