Hi Beth,

Nice to meet you!  I wish I could recommend a good vet to you, but 
unfortunately I haven't found one I'd swear by.  I have heard great things 
about the Animal Cancer Center off Greenville Avenue in Dallas, but I'm not 
sure if they do just routine exams.  I have not personally been there though.  
I bet they could recommend a great internal med vet if you needed one, if they 
don't already have one on staff.

I went to UNT and lived in Denton for the 5 years I was there.  Are you there 

I'm so sorry to hear about your sweet furbabies.  There is a chance that your 
Manx can throw the virus so don't give up!  A great diet and a stress free 
environment are the two best things you can do for your FeLV+ furbaby.  

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

----- Original Message ----
From: Beth Gouldin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Sent: Wednesday, February 13, 2008 10:31:08 PM
Subject: Re: CLS

Hi Wendy

I just saw on your last post that you are in Dallas - I'm in Denton. I just 
joined this group about a month ago after the loss of one of our babies to FeLV 
and now we are dealing with it in our almost 7 month old female manx. It's nice 
to know someone is near by - is there a particular vet that you would recommend 
in the area (or possibly/hopefully closer to Denton) ?  The vet we used has not 
been extremely helpful or informative, simply because I don't think that they 
have seen many cases that have positive outcomes (their first advice for a 
symptomatic cat was to PTS)
So far, she is asymptomatic - save for the occasional runny nose/eyes which I'm 
thinking is allergy related because it generally gets worse the same time MY 
allergies flare up.

Anyway - 

best wishes

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