Apparently the virus CAN live for a while.  I have read in several places that 
you need to clean any area with a bleach/water cleaner if a + cat has been 
where a negative one will be staying.  It is said that you should wait 30 days 
after your + cat is gone before you should introduce a new negative cat into 
the household.
  Armond (my 9 yr old + kitty) was infected by a stray we brought in (and 
sadfully neglected to have tested.)  Armond was always super healthy and had 
ALWAYS been vaccinated.  My more fragile diabetic did NOT test positive - Go 
figure!  I had them all retested after 12 weeks and those tests were consistent 
with the first one!
  When we brought Preston home, he seemed to have diarrhea for a long time.  (I 
am sure that part of it was due to the changing of his food, even though it was 
done gradually).  I just kept mixing his wet food with lots of water to make 
sure that he got plenty of fluids and he is so much better now.  He has only 
been with us for about 6 weeks and he came from a HUGE shelter so I am not sure 
how long he had the diarrhea.  
  I know it IS overwhelming...still learning about it too.  We just went 
through our first "sickness" when Armond got calicivirus.  (A respiratory thing 
that settled in his mouth as nasty sores.)  That lasted 5 weeks!  
  Good luck with your friends!

whocares whocares <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
      .hmmessage P  {  margin:0px;  padding:0px  }  body.hmmessage  {  
FONT-SIZE: 10pt;  FONT-FAMILY:Tahoma  }    Hi,
Firstly, thankyou to everyone who responded and for the advice thusfar. Milli's 
diahrea is getting better with Neorase and probiotics, etc..
I've gotten 5 of the 7 new ones tested and they've all come back FeLV+. 5 are 
housed together and the other 2 are each in their own rooms. I have 8 immune 
challenged cats of my own (some of which are permanent fosters) and am a little 
worried now. 
What precautions do I have to take? Is FeLV extremely contagious? My dishwasher 
has a sani cycle which I've been using. Does sanitizing kill the virus? Is it 
easily spread on clothes? How close does the contact have to be between cats? 
How long does the virus live outside the body?
Lance, how much DMG do you give? I have some for my HCM kitty. 
I live in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Does anyone know where I can get Transfer 
Factor? No naturpath, etc. here seems to have heard of it.
I'm way over my head here. Please give me as much advice (even if it sounds 
simple) as you can.



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