So sorry for this loss. So glad Anika found comfort in your boyfriends' arms 
her last night.
Godspeed little Anika.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: Sherry DeHaan 
  To: Felvtalk 
  Sent: Saturday, March 01, 2008 5:32 PM
  Subject: Anika Please add to the CLS

  I will try to type this through tears.We lost beautiful feisty Anika 
yesterday to this terrible disease.She was a fluffy gray girl.Thursday night my 
boyfriend and I were at Sids and we read that she wasnt feeling good in the log 
book,so me and one of the other volunteers were trying to get her to come out 
from under a cabinet and she used to always come to me.Well I started to do my 
duties around there.A while later I glanced back into the room where she was 
and there on the couch was Anika all curled up in my boyfriends arms.I asked 
him if he picked her up and he said no she just ran over here and cuddled up 
with him.They both took a hour nap together.I had really bad feelings that 
night that she would be leaving us soon.So before I even opened the e-mail 
about her I cried,cause I knew what I was going to read.
  I will miss that beautiful beautiful girl. :( Sorry for rambling on,just 
wanted to share my last thoughts of her.She looked so sweet cuddled up with my 
  Very saddened,

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