by the way the previous vet did recommend 150 mL of fluids per week for right 
now.  I've also put him on all wet food.  It's a pain not to have someone to 
call "my" vet!

Belinda Sauro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:      Hi Tonya,
    Fred gets, Nutrived which is a liquid for his slight anemia, he gets a 
potassium supplement (potassium gluconate powder that I put in capsules, he 
gets 4 a day) and he gets phosphorus binders because his phosphorus was too 
high, we've got it down again and he gets Marrow Plus (this is for anemia and 
energy, not sure if this is really doing much, his HCT has stayed at 28%, just 
low for months so it may be helping) and amlodipine and benazipril for high 
blood pressure.  He just had his last blood work a week ago and all his number 
were very good, there has been a big improvement.   We started him on 
benazapril in addition to his amlodipine for high blood pressure and his 
numbers shot up.  They are almost normal again and benazapril is known to make 
the numbers go higher initially when started.  He's also been on an antibiotics 
and eye goop for a urinary tract infection and conguntivitis in his eye this 
last week.  I took him in last week because I could tell he wasn't
 feeling well.  We go in this morning to check on those two things and recheck 
his blood pressure, forgot last week.

My vet is thrilled that his numbers have come down so much.  He also gets 150ml 
of fluid daily.  Fred gets pills 5 or 6 times a day and we have it down to a 
routine now, he is pretty good about it.  He doesn't love it but he knows it is 
going to happen so he just lets me do it, I think he realizes he feels better 
too, especially after his fluids.

Do you have blood work you can send me for your possible CRF kitty?

--     Belinda  happiness is being owned by cats ...    Be-Mi-Kitties [affordable hosting & web 
design] [custom printing]

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