A bit OT but I figure if anyone has had experience & is knowledgeable, it
would be someone here.  Ringworm-suddenly have an outbreak; have 6 cats
presently (1 waiting for adopter)-only a couple seem to have it-long story
of how it managed to get in but now I'm really lost.  I have meds from vet
to apply & shampoo.  BUT how do I clean!    I borrowed a Wood's Lamp from
someone and of course I see things glowing everywhere!!!!!!!!  Is the lamp
good to check for spores on fabric (clothes, rugs, etc) & walls or is it
only for checking living things (me and the cats-LOL).  I am starting to
scrub and clean but now wonder, do I do that massive cleaning every day?  I
can't keep the cats confined though I did close them out of one of the
bedrooms.  Outside of that, they're everywhere and NOT trained to stay off
furniture-LOL.  Any tips, suggestions, etc. would be sooooo gratefully


Christiane Biagi


Cell:  913-720-6888



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