Wow.  This is all incredible news and gives reason to always be 
hopeful.  I'm the one who was fostering a mom with four kittens and two 
of the kittens tested positive.  The vets I spoke to said it's likely 
that on retest the mom and the two that tested negative will eventually 
test positive, but they didn't give me hope that they would all test 
negative.  Now I'm feeling much more hopeful that there will be good 
news for all.  On the other hand, I can't help but feel terribly sad 
for all of the cats and kittens who have been euthanized due to one 
positive test, when there was a chance that tehy might have fought off 
the virus, if only they'd been given a chance.

Best wishes to all.

-----Original Message-----
From: Lee Evans <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tue, 16 Sep 2008 1:38 am
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] THEY'RE NEGATIVE!!!!!

Glad to hear that they turned negative.  We rescued an adult black male
un-neutered cat some years ago.  When I had him tested, he was FeLv+.  
don't kill cats who are healthy in every way except for a positive on 
combo test so I isolated him in a room with toys, bedding, food, water,
love, etc. and waited for three months, then re-tested and he was 
However, I didn't trust this so I had two more comprehensive tests done 
all came out negative.  Only then did I feel comfortable mixing him in 
the other rescued cats. He's still healthy and has had less problems 
allergies, colds, other minor crap then most of the other cats.

With kittens, if they test negative on the re-test, they are negative.  
mostly the adults that need intensive testing because they might have 
truly exposed to the disease through mating habits, as in my 
Moses.  Yes, he's neutered now and a real darling.

On another note, I rarely vaccinate and only with the rabies shot and 
allow it in the flank.  I do occasionally vaccinate with the FVRCP for
kittens who have to go to adoption and are not allowed in except if
vaccinated.  I never do the leukemia vaccine and all that other junk.  
just compromises the immune system.  I had two personal experiences 
vaccines that almost killed me so I'm not a great advocate of vaccines.

----- Original Message -----
From: "Sabrina" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, September 15, 2008 7:36 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] THEY'RE NEGATIVE!!!!!

> Hi Everyone,
> As you may or may not remember, I rescued a bunch of kittens from a
> high-kill shelter back in May and two tested positive for leukemia. A
> month
> later, we retested and they were still positive. Well, I waited 
another 90
> days before retesting and...THEY'RE NEGATIVE!!!! Oh my GOD! I am so
> relieved!
> Of course I will never know if what I did helped revert they're 
> but
> I know at least it didn't hurt! I fed them a mostly raw diet, and 
> sure
> they got plenty of liver, and  supplemented first with Astragalus 
Plus and
> then Vetri-DMG.
> YAY!! On another note, these kitties are still looking for homes. I
> refused
> to vaccinate them while they were positive, but now that they are
> negative,
> I don't want to start... Of course, now this means I have to let them 
> (I've been fostering the past 90 days), and believe me that feels like
> ripping my heart out. I would absolutely L O V E to see them go to a
> raw-feeding no- or limited vax home. It would lessen the sting of 
> them go. :0) Please contact me privately if you are interested.
> Callie -
> Hope -
> Please note that I have not yet updated their bios on the site.
> Sabrina
> <>
> <>
> Orange County, CA
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