My heart goes out to little Kiwi, and to your family as well.  It's never easy.

 "Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change 
the world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!"     ~~~ Margaret Meade 

----- Original Message ----
Sent: Sunday, September 28, 2008 8:57:46 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Kiwi - Sad

I have not posted for a while about kiwi.  I think the last one I told you that 
my son was going to put him on a Bandfield Plan.  He never did.  Before that I 
tried to find a rescue who would take him, but there wasn't any openings.  I 
have no funds to get him to vet.  Sad to say, kiwi is really sick.  He is 
unable to keep food down.  He usually likes his dry food, but he won't eat.  I 
gave him just a little wet food, and he through it all up.  He does drink a 
little water.  I just gave him a teaspoon of tuna (not cat food), it will take 
5 to 10 minutes to see if he can keep it down.  He used his kitty litter in the 
last day or so.  Before all this, he ate a lot of his favorite cat food.  He 
didn't throw it up, but he had diarrhea and he was bony.  He was always full of 
energy.  I can't let him keep going on this way, so I plan to take him to a 
shelter and explain the situation to them and ask them humanly put him to 
sleep.  I don't want
 to do this, but I don't want him to suffer anymore.  To you who have not read 
my earlier postings,  I did not adopt kiwi, my son found him when he was about 
2 1/2 weeks old near his did sibling.  He bought him home and we did our usual 
thing and gave him kitten formula and kitten food.  He thrived.  My daughter 
who has another cat took her's to a regular vet visit, but de sided to take 
kiwi also.  (this one time)  Sadly, Kiwi came out positive for feline 
leukemia.  We checked him about when he was about 7 or 8 months old, and again 
he came back positive.  We new that we would not be able to afford to pay a vet 
so we tried to find a rescue.  None of them were able to take a Feline leukemia 
positive kitten/cat.  We live in Fairfax County Virginia, which is a large 
county, but no one could take him.  So we did the best we could for him, but it 
wasn't enough.  I don't blame anyone.  It's just how it is.  It's just so hard 
when your hands are
 tied.  Well, I better go for now.  I will let you know what happened.  Bye, 

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