amanda,  since you are using vets, acupuncture and holistic, that is about all 
we can do.  try praying.  God can work miracles if that is in His plan.  at 
least, He can give you the strength to get thru this.  dorlis
---- amanda <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
> Hi , my kitten ' 'Tora' aged about 5 months was diagnosed with FeLV 
> yesterday, he was sick since last friday which I mistaked for food poisoning! 
> That time he had antibiotics and interferon injection and sub fluids which 
> helped him alot, he had swollen lypm node on one side of throat which got 
> much better, but on Tuesday he started getting ill again, quiet ect, so 
> yesterday we tested for FeLV and he come out full possitive. I live in Japan 
> and they suggested interefon injections for the next five days and sub fluids 
> with vitamins and antibiotics, since yesterday he hasn`t been eating, has 
> been dribbling sometimes and looks like he has inflamation of the intestines, 
> when we touch him, he cries in pain.  My husband is an accupunturist and we 
> are doing that too and I asking the advice of a homeopath too. Is there 
> anything else that I can try? Will he have a chance to pull through?  It`s 
> not the first time I`ve had FeLV possitive cats, I had two before, one lived 
> a long normal life and the other pulled through the first bout of sickness 
> like Tora, maybe not as bad, but I remember she didn`t eat for days too! But 
> I lost her to Lymphoma cancer a year later.  Any advice help, information 
> would be truely appreciated!! hugs and purrs Amanda and Tora.
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